Søk: 'Development and Use of the M.M.P.I.-2 Content Scale'
Development and Use of the M.M.P.I.-2 Content Scale
ISBN 9780816618170 , 1990 , James N. Butcher, John R Graham,m.fl.
Scale Development: Theory and Applications
ISBN 9781412980449 , 2011 , Robert F. DeVellis
Scale development: theory and applications
ISBN 9780761926054 , 2003 , Robert F. DeVellis
Scale Development: Theory and Applications
ISBN 9780761926047 , 2003 , Robert F. DeVellis
Scale development: theory and applications
ISBN 9780803937758 , 1991 , Robert F. DeVellis
Enterprise-scale Agile Software Development
ISBN 9781439803219 , 2009 , James Schiel, Phillip A. Laplante
The Scale and Scope of Economics
ISBN 9780952673620 , 1995 , A.C. Sturt
The Content Analysis Guidebook
ISBN 9780761919780 , 2002 , Kimberly A. Neuendorf
The Content Analysis Guidebook
ISBN 9780761919773 , 2002 , Kimberly A. Neuendorf
Resilience and the Behavior of Large-scale Systems
ISBN 9781559639705 , 2002 , Lance H. Gunderson, Lowell Pritchard Jr
The Cost of Land Use Decisions: Applying Transaction Cost Economics to Planning and Development
ISBN 9781405151238 , 2007 , Edwin Buitelaar
Downsizing Development: An Introduction to Nano-scale Technologies and the Implications for the Global South
ISBN 9789211011814 , 2009 , United Nations
The Analysis and Use of Financial Statements
ISBN 9780471375944 , 2003 , Dov Fried, Gerald I. White, Ashwinpaul C. Sondhi
Content Strategy for the Web
ISBN 9780321620064 , 2010 , Kristina Halvorson
Scale and Scope: The Dynamics of Industrial Capitalism
ISBN 9780674789951 , 1994
Scale and Scope: The Dynamics of Industrial Capitalism
ISBN 9780674789944 , 1990
The careful use of compliments
ISBN 9780375423017 , 2007 , Alexander McCall Smith
Scaling Lean & Agile Development: Thinking and Organizational Tools for Large-scale Scrum
ISBN 9780321480965 , 2008 , Craig Larman, Bas Vodde
Development of a Meso-Scale Central-Porous-Fuel-Inlet Combustor: Concept, Design and Application
ISBN 9783639108750 , 2008 , Yueh-Heng Li, Yei-Chin Chao
English grammar: theory and use
ISBN 9788215018942 , 2012 , Stig Johansson, Per Lysvåg, Hilde Hasselgård
The Origins and Development of the English Language
ISBN 9781133957539 , 2013 , John Algeo
Managing enterprise content: a unified content strategy
ISBN 9780735713062 , 2003
Design and Use of Assistive Technology
ISBN 9781489989802 , 2014 , Meeko Mitsuko K. Oishi,m.fl.
English grammar: theory and use
ISBN 9788215018973 , 2012 , Per Lysvåg, Hilde Hasselgård
The Origins and Development of the English Language
ISBN 9781428231481 , 2009 , John Algeo, Thomas Pyles
Prosperity and Violence: The Political Economy of Development
ISBN 9780393933833 , 2009 , Robert H. Bates
Theories and Practices of Development
ISBN 9780415590716 , 2011 , Katie Willis
Professional Android 2 Application Development
ISBN 9780470565520 , 2010
Content Delivery Networks
ISBN 9783540778868 , 2008 , Mukaddim Pathan, Athena Vakali
The Development of Social Cognition and Communication
ISBN 9780415654449 , 2012 , Bruce D. Homer, Catherine Susan Tamis-LeMonda