Søk: 'Distributed Systems: Concepts And Design'
Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design
ISBN 9780132143011 , 2011 , Tim Kindberg, George F. Coulouris, Jean Dollimore,m.fl.
Distributed Systems: Concepts And Design
ISBN 9780321263544 , 2005 , Tim Kindberg, George F. Coulouris, Jean Dollimore
Distributed systems: concepts and design
ISBN 9780201619188 , 2001 , Tim Kindberg, George F. Coulouris, Jean Dollimore
Distributed Systems
ISBN 9780273760597 , 2011 , Tim Kindberg, George F. Coulouris, Jean Dollimore,m.fl.
Studyguide for Distributed Systems Concepts and Design by Coulouris, ISBN 9780201619188: 0201619180
ISBN 9781428807525 , 2006 , Tim Kindberg, George F. Coulouris, Jean Dollimore,m.fl.
Distributed Operating Systems
ISBN 9788177581799 , 2009 , Andrew S. Tanenbaum
Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms
ISBN 9780136135531 , 2006 , Maarten van Steen, Andrew S 1944- Tanenbaum
Distributed systems: principles and paradigms
ISBN 9780132392273 , 2006 , Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Maarten van Steen
Distributed Operating Systems
ISBN 9780132199087 , 1994 , Andrew S. Tannenbaum
Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms
ISBN 9780131217867 , 2002 , Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Maarten van Steen,m.fl.
monitoring and control of spatially distributed systems
ISBN 9789812771827 , 2009 , Dan S. Necsulescu
Distributed Systems: Pearson New International Edition
ISBN 9781292025520 , 2013
Systems Analysis and Design
ISBN 9781118093740 , 2012 , Alan Dennis, Roberta M. Roth
Operating Systems: Concurrent and Distributed Software Disign
ISBN 9780321117892 , 2003 , Jean Bacon, Tim Harris
Concurrent systems: operating systems, database and distributed systems--an integrated approach
ISBN 9780201177671 , 1998 , Jean Bacon
Principles of Distributed Database Systems
ISBN 9780136079385 , 1999 , M. Tamer Ozsu, Patrick Valduriez
Systems Analysis And Design
ISBN 9780471722571 , 2006 , Alan Dennis, Barbara Haley Wixom, Roberta M. Roth
Applications for Distributed Systems and Network Management
ISBN 9780471286394 , 1994 , Kornel Terplan, Jill Huntington-Lee
Applications for Distributed Systems and Network Management
ISBN 9780442018733 , 1994 , Kornel Terplan, Jill Huntington-Lee
Systems Analysis and Design
ISBN 9780130415714 , 2002 , Kenneth E. Kendall, Julie E. Kendall
Systems Analysis and Design
ISBN 9780273655367 , 2003 , James Cadle, Donald Yeates, Tony Wakefield
Modern Systems Analysis and Design
ISBN 9780201338416
Systems Analysis and Design Fundamentals
ISBN 9781412905855 , 2006 , Ned Florencio Kock
Communication systems: analysis and design
ISBN 9780130402684 , 2003 , Harold P. E. Stern, Samy A. Mahmoud,m.fl.
Requirements Analysis and Systems Design
ISBN 9780321440365 , 2007 , Leszek Maciaszek
Modern Systems Analysis and Design
ISBN 9780135094891 , 2010 , Joseph S. Valacich, Joey F. George
Digital Design: Basic Concepts and Principles
ISBN 9781420061314 , 2007 , Xinghao Chen, Mohammad A. Karim
Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles
ISBN 9780273751502 , 2011 , William Stallings
Operating Systems: Design and Implementation
ISBN 9780135053768 , 2008 , Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Albert S. Woodhull
Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles
ISBN 9780133805918 , 2014 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews