Søk: 'Double Jeopardy Without Parameters: Re-Characterisation in International Criminal Law'
Double Jeopardy Without Parameters: Re-Characterisation in International Criminal Law
ISBN 9789050953894 , 2004 , Olaoluwa Olusanya
International Criminal Law
ISBN 9780199203109 , 2008 , the late Antonio Cassese
Cassese's International Criminal Law
ISBN 9780199694921 , 2013 , Antonio Cassese, Paola Gaeta
Defenses in Contemporary International Criminal Law
ISBN 9781571051516 , 2001 , Geert-Jan G. J. Knoops
Deskbook of International Criminal Law
ISBN 9781859419793 , 2005 , John P. Grant, J. Craig Barker
Crimes Against Humanity in International Criminal Law
ISBN 9789041112224 , 1999 , M. Cherif Bassiouni
International Criminal Law: Cases and Commentary
ISBN 9780199576784 , 2011 , Antonio Cassese, Guido Acquaviva,m.fl.
Direct Application of International Criminal Law in National Courts
ISBN 9789067042079 , 2006 , W.N. Ferdinandusse
Criminal Law and Procedure in Nigeria
ISBN 9789780231057 , 2000 , Ademola Yakubu, A. Toriola Oyewo
Economics of Criminal Law
ISBN 9781845427832 , 2008 , Steven D. Levitt, Thomas J. Miles
Guilty pleas in international criminal law: constructing a restorative justice approach
ISBN 9780804753517 , 2006 , Nancy Amoury Combs
Guilty pleas in international criminal law: constructing a restorative justice approach
ISBN 9780804753524 , 2006 , Nancy Amoury Combs
International Law
ISBN 9780199654673 , 2014 , m.fl.
International Law
ISBN 9780199565665 , 2010 , Malcolm D. Evans
The Refugee in International Law
ISBN 9780199207633 , 2007 , Guy S. Goodwin-Gill, Jane McAdam
Final Jeopardy
ISBN 9780671010126 , 1997 , Linda A. Fairstein
International Commercial Law
ISBN 9788272362132 , 2010 , Giuditta Cordero Moss
International Law
ISBN 9780199259397 , 2004 , Antonio Cassese
International Law
ISBN 9781847030177 , 2008 , Professor Rebecca Wallace, Dr Elina Steinerte
Studyguide for International Criminal Law by Antonio Cassese, ISBN 9780199203109: 9780199203109 0199203105
ISBN 9781614901075 , 2011 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Nutshell International Law
ISBN 9780414025721 , 2013 , Professor Rebecca Wallace, Karen Wylie
An Introduction to the Law of International Criminal Tribunals: A Comparative Study
ISBN 9781571053107 , 2003 , Geert-Jan A. Knoops
Corporate Accountability in International Environmental Law
ISBN 9780199558018 , 2009 , Elisa Morgera
International Human Rights Law
ISBN 9781405811811 , 2009 , Javaid Rehman
Non-State Actor Dynamics in International Law: From Law-Takers to Law-Makers
ISBN 9781409403166 , 2010
Fairness in International Law and Institutions
ISBN 9780198267850 , 1998 , Thomas M. Franck
Re-imagining the Trust: Trusts in Civil Law
ISBN 9781107011328 , 2012
Africa: Mapping New Boundaries in International Law
ISBN 9781849461177 , 2010 , Jeremy I. Levitt
Africa: Mapping New Boundaries in International Law
ISBN 9781841136189 , 2008 , Jeremy I. Levitt
International Environmental Law
ISBN 9781571051004 , 2000 , Dinah Shelton, Alexandre-Charles Kiss