Søk: 'Dubliners'
ISBN 9780199536436 , 2008 , James Joyce, Jeri Johnson
ISBN 9781600966088 , 2008 , James Joyce
ISBN 9780141182452 , 2000 , James Joyce, Terence Brown
ISBN 9781421904559 , 2005 , James Joyce
The Dubliners
ISBN 9780140622171 , 1996 , James Joyce
Penguin Essentials: Dubliners
ISBN 9780140274240 , 2001 , James Joyce
CliffsNotesTM On Joyce's Dubliners
ISBN 9780764537158 , 2003
An Investigation of Parallels Between "The Sisters" and "The Dead" as Beginning and Ending of James Joyce's Short Story Collection Dubliners, Considering the Topic of Paralysis in Particular
ISBN 9783640352715 , 2009 , Jascha Walter