Søk: 'Effective Marketing With Infotrac: Creating and Keeping Customers in an E-Commerce World'
Effective Marketing With Infotrac: Creating and Keeping Customers in an E-Commerce World
ISBN 9780324063929 , 2002 , William G. Zikmund, Michael D'Amico
Effective Marketing: Creating and Keeping Customers
ISBN 9780538878487 , 1997 , William G. Zikmund, Michael D'Amico
Effortless E-commerce with PHP and MySQL
ISBN 9780321656223 , 2010 , Larry Ullman
E-Commerce 2013
ISBN 9780132730358 , 2012 , Kenneth C. Laudon, Carol Guercio Traver
E-Commerce Essentials
ISBN 9780201748161 , 2003 , Kenneth C. Laudon, Carol Guercio Traver
Essentials of Marketing Research (with Websurveyor Certificate and Infotrac)
ISBN 9780324182576 , 2003 , William G. Zikmund
Communication Theories in Action With Infotrac: An Introduction
ISBN 9780534566395 , 2003
ISBN 9781292000411 , 2013 , Judy Strauss, Raymond Frost
E-commerce: Business, Technology, Society
ISBN 9781292009094 , 2014 , 10. utgave , Kenneth C. Laudon, Carol Guercio Traver
E-Business and E-Commerce Management with Companion Website with GradeTracker Student Access Card
ISBN 9781405847063 , 2007 , Dave Chaffey
E-Business & E-Commerce Management: Strategy, Implementation and Practice
ISBN 9780273752011 , 2011 , Dave Chaffey
E-business and E-commerce Management: Strategy, Implementation and Practice
ISBN 9780273719601 , 2010 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
The Future of Competition: Co-Creating Unique Value With Customers
ISBN 9781578519538 , 2004 , Coimbatore K. Prahalad, Dr. Venkatram Ramaswamy
E-business and E-commerce Management: Strategy, Implementation and Practice
ISBN 9780273707523 , 2007 , Dave Chaffey
E-Commerce 2013: Global Edition
ISBN 9780273779353 , 2013 , Kenneth C. Laudon, Carol Guercio Traver
E-Business and E-Commerce Management 3e with Companion Website with Gradetracker Instructor Access Card
ISBN 9781405847070 , 2006 , 3. utgave , Dave Chaffey
Human Physiology (with CD-ROM and Infotrac): With CD-ROM and Infotrac
ISBN 9780534462512 , 2003 , Rodney A Rhoades, Richard G. Pflanzer
Concise Managerial Statistics (with CD-ROM and Infotrac) [With CDROM and Infotrac]
ISBN 9780324223880 , 2004 , Alan H. Kvanli, Robert J. Pavur,m.fl.
Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry (with CD-ROM and Infotrac) [With CDROM and Infotrac]
ISBN 9780030355233 , 2004 , Douglas A. Skoog, Donald M. West, F.James Holler
Microeconomics.: With Infotrac
ISBN 9780324151831 , 2002 , Robert E. Hall, Marc Lieberman
ISBN 9788759308349 , 2000 , Michael Chabert, Thea Vesterby
Living in the Environment.: With Infotrac
ISBN 9780534274115 , 2003 , George Tyler Miller
E-commerce: Business, Technology, Society
ISBN 9780136006459 , 2008 , Carol Guercio Traver, Kenneth Craig Laudon
Strategic Marketing: Creating Competitive Advantage
ISBN 9780199556601 , 2012 , Douglas West, John Ford, Essam Ibrahim
Microsoft .NET E-Commerce bible
ISBN 9780764548314 , 2001 , Don Jones
Research Methods (With Infotrac)
ISBN 9780534524180 , 2003 , Donald McBurney, Theresa White
Creating Effective Teams: A Guide for Members and Leaders
ISBN 9781452217079 , 2012 , Susan A. Wheelan
An Introduction to the History of Psychology: With InfoTrac
ISBN 9780534554064 , 2004 , B. R. Hergenhahn
Creating Effective Teams: A Guide for Members and Leaders
ISBN 9781412975155 , 2009 , Susan A. Wheelan
Innovation: the five disciplines for creating what customers want
ISBN 9780307336699 , 2006 , Curtis Ray Carlson, William W. Wilmot