Søk: 'European integration and health policy: the artful dance of economics and history'
European integration and health policy: the artful dance of economics and history
ISBN 9780765801692 , 2003 , Panos Minogiannis
The Economics of European Integration: Theory, Practice, Policy
ISBN 9780754648123 , 2006 , Willem Molle, W.T.M. Molle
The Economics of European Integration
ISBN 9780077111199 , 2006 , Richard Baldwin, Charles Wyplosz
The Economics of European Integration: Limits and Prospects
ISBN 9781843766919 , 2005 , Miroslav N. Jovanovic
The Economics of European Integration. Richard Baldwin and Charles Wyplosz
ISBN 9780077131722 , 2012 , Charles Wyplosz, Richard E Baldwin
Principles in Health Economics and Policy
ISBN 9780199237814 , 2009 , Jan Abel Olsen
The Economics of European Integration. Richard Baldwin and Charles Wyplosz
ISBN 9780077121631 , 2009 , Charles Wyplosz, Richard E. Baldwin
The Economics of Health and Health Care
ISBN 9780132954808 , 2012 , Miron Stano, Sherman Folland, Allen C. Goodman
The European Union: Economics, Policies and History
ISBN 9780077118136 , 2009 , Susan Senior Nello
The economics of health and health care
ISBN 9780132279420 , 2007 , Miron Stano, Sherman Folland, Allen C. Goodman
The Economics of Health and Health Care
ISBN 9780132342520 , 2007 , Miron Stano, Allen C. Goodman,m.fl.
Economics of Health and Health Care, The
ISBN 9780131293441 , 2004 , Miron Stano, Sherman Folland, Allen C. Goodman
Politics and Economics in the History of the European Union
ISBN 9780415329415 , 2005 , Alan S. Milward
Politics and Economics in the History of the European Union
ISBN 9780203391310 , 2005 , Alan S. Milward
A Brief History of Economics: Artful Approaches to the Dismal Science
ISBN 9789814304801 , 2010 , E. Ray Canterbery
European Integration and the Nationalities Question
ISBN 9780415401005 , 2006 , Michael Keating, John McGarry
European Integration and the Nationalities Question
ISBN 9780203088401 , 2006 , Michael Keating, John McGarry
The Economics of Health and Health Care: International Version
ISBN 9780138004873 , 2010 , Miron Stano, Allen C. Goodman,m.fl.
A Brief History of Economics: Artful Approaches to the Dismal Science
ISBN 9789810238490 , 2001 , E. Ray Canterbery
A History of Engineering and Technology: Artful Methods
ISBN 9780849398100 , 1999 , Ervan G. Garrison
Spatial dynamics of European integration: regional and policy issues at the turn of the century
ISBN 9783540658177 , 1999 , Manfred M. Fischer, Peter Nijkamp
Theories of European Integration
ISBN 9780312231200
Economics of Health and Health Care, The: Pearson New International Edition
ISBN 9781292020518 , 2013 , Miron Stano, Sherman Folland
Environmental policy with political and economic integration: the European Union and the United States
ISBN 9781858982175 , 1996 , John B. Braden, Henk Folmer, Thomas S. Ulen
Economics of Europe and the European Union
ISBN 9780511271618 , 2007 , Larry Neal
The European Union: Readings on the Theory and Practice of European Integration
ISBN 9781403904225 , 2003 , Brent F. Nelsen, Alexander C-.G. Stubb
European Integration and Industrial Relations
ISBN 9780230504103 , 2004 , Paul Marginson, Keith Sisson
Theories of European Integration
ISBN 9780333647172 , 2000 , Ben Rosamond
Migration and European Integration: The Dynamics of Inclusion and Exclusion
ISBN 9780838636138 , 1995 , Robert Miles, Dietrich Thränhardt
European integration: theories and approaches
ISBN 9780819194558 , 1994 , Hans J. Michelmann, Panayotis Soldatos