Søk: 'Financial Economics, Risk and Information: An Introduction to Methods and Models'
Financial Economics, Risk and Information: An Introduction to Methods and Models
ISBN 9789812385024 , 2003 , Marcelo Bianconi
Financial Economics, Risk and Informatio: An Introduction to Methods and Models
ISBN 9789812385017 , 2003 , M. Bianconi
Financial Economics, Risk And Information
ISBN 9789812775399 , Bianconi Marcelo
An Introduction to Derivative Securities, Financial Markets, and Risk Management
ISBN 9780393913071 , 2013 , Robert A. Jarrow, Arkadev Chatterjea
Financial accounting: an introduction to concepts, methods, and uses
ISBN 9780030965883 , 1994 , Clyde P. Stickney, Roman L. Weil
An Introduction to the Economics of Information: Incentives and Contracts
ISBN 9780199243259 , 2001 , Inez Macho-Stadler, J.David Perez-Castrillo,m.fl.
An Introduction to the Economics of Information: Incentives and Contracts
ISBN 9780199243273 , 2001 , Inez Macho-Stadler, J.David Perez-Castrillo,m.fl.
Advanced credit risk analysis: financial approaches and mathematical models to assess, price, and manage credit risk
ISBN 9780471987239 , 2000 , Didier Cossin, Hugues Pirotte
An Introduction to Law and EConomics 4e
ISBN 9780735584488 , 2011 , 4. utgave
Information and Information Flow.: An Introduction.
ISBN 9783937202471 , 2004 , Hans Kamp, Manuel Bremer, Daniel Cohnitz,m.fl.
Financial Risk Taking: An Introduction to the Psychology of Trading and Behavioural Finance
ISBN 9780470850268 , 2004 , Mike Elvin
An Introduction to Geographical Information Systems
ISBN 9780273722595 , 2011 , Ian Heywood, Sarah Cornelius, Steve Carver
An Introduction to Information Retrieval
ISBN 9780521865715 , 2008 , Christopher D. Manning, Prabhakar Raghavan,m.fl.
Reference and Information Services: An Introduction
ISBN 9781591583745 , 2011 , Richard E. Bopp, Linda C. Smith
Market Risk Analysis: Quantitative Methods in Finace, Practical Finincial Econometrics, Pricing, Hedging and Trading Financial Instruments, Value-at-Risk Models
ISBN 9780470997994 , 2009 , Carol Alexander
An Introduction to Economics
ISBN 9780198775652 , 1999 , Stephen Dobson, Susan Palfreman
An Introduction to Behavioral Economics
ISBN 9780230291461 , 2012 , Nick Wilkinson, Matthias Klaes
An Introduction to Global Financial Markets
ISBN 9781137007520 , 2012 , Philip Molyneux, Stephen Valdez
An Introduction to Climate Change Economics and Policy
ISBN 9781844078103 , 2009
Games and Information: An Introduction to Game Theory
ISBN 9781405136662 , 2006 , Eric Rasmusen
Financial and Management Accounting: An Introduction
ISBN 9780273703693 , 2006 , Pauline Weetman
The Economics of Information Technology: An Introduction
ISBN 9780521605212 , 2004 , Hal R. Varian, Carl Shapiro, Joseph V. Farrell
The Economics of Information Technology: An Introduction
ISBN 9780521844154 , 2004 , Hal R. Varian, Carl Shapiro, Joseph Farrell
An Invitation to Cognitive Science: Methods, Models, and Conceptual Issues
ISBN 9780262150453 , 1998 , Don L. Scarborough, Saul Sternberg,m.fl.
Business Accounting: An Introduction to Financial and Management Accounting
ISBN 9781403948861 , 2007 , Jill Collis, Roger Hussey
Introduction to simulation and risk analysis
ISBN 9780130329288 , 2002 , James Robert Evans, David Louis Olson
Economic and Financial Decisions Under Risk
ISBN 9780691122151 , 2005 , Louis Eeckhoudt, Harris Schlesinger
Risk Assessment: Theory, Methods, and Applications
ISBN 9780470637647 , 2011 , Marvin Rausand
Equity Derivatives and Market Risk Models
ISBN 9781899332878 , 2000 , Oliver Brockhaus, Michael Farkas, Andrew Ferraris,m.fl.
An introduction to geographical information systems
ISBN 9780131293175 , 2006 , Sarah Cornelius, Steve Carver, D. Ian Heywood