Søk: 'Fixed Income Securities: Valuation, Risk, and Risk Management'
Fixed Income Securities: Valuation, Risk, and Risk Management
ISBN 9780470109106 , 2010 , Pietro Veronesi
Risk Management: Approaches for Fixed Income Markets
ISBN 9780471332114 , 2000 , Leo M. Tilman, Bennett W. Golub
Derivatives: Valuation and Risk Management
ISBN 9780195114706 , 2002
Derivatives: Markets, Valuation, and Risk Management [With CDROM]
ISBN 9780471786320 , 2006 , Robert E. Whaley
An Introduction to Derivative Securities, Financial Markets, and Risk Management
ISBN 9780393913071 , 2013 , Robert A. Jarrow, Arkadev Chatterjea
Risk Management and Derivatives
ISBN 9780538861014 , 2002 , Rene Stulz
Credit Risk: Modeling, Valuation and Hedging
ISBN 9783540675938 , 2001 , Tomasz R. Bielecki, Marek Rutkowski
Fixed Income Securities: Tools for Today's Markets, 2nd Edition
ISBN 9780471063179 , 2002 , 2. utgave , Bruce Tuckman
Fixed Income Securities: Tools for Today's Markets, 3rd, University Edition
ISBN 9780470904039 , 2011 , Bruce Tuckman
Fixed Income Securities: Tools for Today's Markets, 2nd Edition (University
ISBN 9780471063223 , 2002 , 2. utgave , Bruce Tuckman
SAP Treasury and Risk Management
ISBN 9781592291496 , 2008 , J. Lovenich, M. Muller
Risk, Crisis and Security Management
ISBN 9780470867044 , 2005 , Edward Borodzicz
Violence Risk: Assessment and Management
ISBN 9780470027509 , 2007 , Christopher D. Webster, Stephen J. Hucker
Corporate Decision-Making with Macroeconomic Uncertainty:Performance and Risk Management: Performance and Risk Management
ISBN 9780195335743 , 2008
Uncertainty in risk assessment, risk management, and decision making
ISBN 9780306425578 , 1987 , Vincent T. Covello, Society for Risk Analysis
ISBN 9780335208296 , 2003 , Roy Boyne
ISBN 9780415183345 , 1999 , Deborah Lupton
Financial Institutions Management: A Risk Management Approach
ISBN 9781259010859 , 2014 , Anthony Saunders
ISBN 9780415183338 , 1999 , Deborah Lupton
Life Insurance Risk Management Essentials
ISBN 9783642207204 , 2011 , Michael Koller
ISBN 9781857280685 , 1995 , John Adams
Studyguide for Fixed Income Analysis
ISBN 9780470052211 , 2010 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Financial Institutions Management: a Risk Management Approach
ISBN 9780071289559 , 2010 , Anthony Saunders, Marcia Millon Cornett
Risk Management and Governance: Concepts, Guidelines and Applications
ISBN 9783642139253 , 2010 , Terje Aven, Ortwin Renn
Beyond value at risk: the new science of risk management
ISBN 9780471976226 , 1998
Maritime Transportation: Safety Management And Risk Analysis
ISBN 9780750659994 , 2004 , Svein Kristiansen, Svien Kristiansen
Quantitative Risk Management: Concepts, Techniques, and Tools
ISBN 9780691122557 , 2005 , Alexander J. McNeil, Rüdiger Frey,m.fl.
Risk Management and Governance: Concepts, Guidelines and Applications
ISBN 9783642139260 , 2010 , Terje Aven, Ortwin Renn
Financial Institutions Management: A Risk Management Approach.
ISBN 9780071267045 , 2008 , Anthony Saunders, Marcia Millon Cornett
Praktisk enterprise risk management; bok 1
ISBN 9788230002087