Søk: 'Forward Soviet!: History and Non-Fiction Film in the USSR'
Forward Soviet!: History and Non-Fiction Film in the USSR
ISBN 9781860642821 , 1999 , Graham Roberts
Documentary: A History of the Non-fiction Film
ISBN 9780195078985 , 1993 , Erik Barnouw
ISBN 9780224063029 , 2004 , Chuck Palahniuk
The Soviet Experiment: Russia, the USSR, and the Successor States
ISBN 9780195081053 , 1998
Narration in the Fiction Film
ISBN 9780299101749 , 1985 , David Bordwell
Narration in the Fiction Film
ISBN 9780415018777 , 1987 , David Bordwell
Kino: A History of the Russian and Soviet Film
ISBN 9780691003467 , 1983 , Jay Leyda
Narrative in Fiction and Film: An Introduction
ISBN 9780198752325 , 2000 , Jakob Lothe
Deep end non-fiction 2
ISBN 9788249210800 , 2008 , Amanda Graham, Nigel Croser, Josephine Croser,m.fl.
The Art of Writing Non-Fiction
ISBN 9780815624035 , 1987 , André Fontaine, William A. Glavin
History on Film/Film on History
ISBN 9781408282557 , 2012 , Robert A. Rosenstone
Film Art: And Film History
ISBN 9780077116644 , 2006 , David Bordwell
Writing History in Film
ISBN 9780415979245 , 2006 , William Guynn
History Meets Fiction
ISBN 9781408220122 , 2009 , Beverley C. Southgate
Extending Literacy: Children Reading and Writing Non-Fiction
ISBN 9780415128308 , 1997 , David Wray Maureen Lewis
History on Film/Film on History
ISBN 9780582505841 , 2006 , Robert A. Rosenstone
Film Art / Film History
ISBN 9780077107451 , 2003 , David Bordwell
Film History: An Introduction
ISBN 9780071267946 , 2009 , David Bordwell
American science fiction and the Cold War: literature and film
ISBN 9781853312274 , 1999
Gulag: a history of the Soviet camps
ISBN 9780140283105 , 2004 , Anne Applebaum
Soviet Tragedy: A History of Socialism in Russia
ISBN 9780684823133 , 1995 , Malia Martin
Moving forward, looking back: the European avant-garde and the invention of film culture, 1919-1939
ISBN 9789053569603 , 2007
Moving Forward, Looking Back: The European Avant-garde and the Invention of Film Culture, 1919-1939
ISBN 9789053569610 , 2007
Film history: an introduction
ISBN 9780073386133 , 2009 , David Bordwell
Face forward
ISBN 9780316287050 , 2001 , Kevyn Aucoin
Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometries: Development and History
ISBN 9780716724469 , 1993 , Marvin Jay Greenberg
Russians in the Former Soviet Republics
ISBN 9781850652069 , 1995 , Paul Kolstoe, Andreï Edemski
Film history: theory and practice
ISBN 9780075548713 , 1985 , Douglas Gomery, Robert Clyde Allen
Film History: An Introduction
ISBN 9780071151412 , 2003 , David Bordwell
On the History of Film Style
ISBN 9780674634299 , 1998 , David Bordwell