Søk: 'Games, Puzzles, and Computation'
Games, Puzzles, and Computation
ISBN 9781568813226 , 2009 , Robert A. Hearn, Erik D. Demaine
Algorithmic Puzzles
ISBN 9780199740444 , 2011 , Anany Levitin, Maria Levitin
Algorithmic Puzzles
ISBN 9780199876549 , 2011 , Anany Levitin;Maria Levitin, Maria Levitin
Computation and Modelling in Insurance and Finance
ISBN 9780521830485 , 2014 , Eric Bolviken
War and Games
ISBN 9780851158709 , 2003 , Tim J. Cornell, Thomas Benton Allen
Quantum Computation and Quantum Information
ISBN 9780521635035 , 2000 , Michael A. Nielsen, Isaac L. Chuang
Introduction to Computation and Programming Using Python
ISBN 9780262525008 , 2013 , John V. Guttag
Man, Play, and Games
ISBN 9780252070334 , 2001 , Roger Caillois
On Numbers and Games
ISBN 9781568811277 , 2000 , John H. Conway
The Hunger Games
ISBN 9781407132075 , 2012 , Suzanne Collins
101 Drama Games and Activities
ISBN 9781847538413 , 2007 , David Farmer
Games of Strategy
ISBN 9780393117516 , 2009 , Avinash K. Dixit, David H. Reiley, Susan Skeath
Hunger Games (Classic)
ISBN 9781407132082 , 2012 , Suzanne Collins
Card Games
ISBN 9781405411127 , 2007 , Louis Canasta, Parragon Book Service Limited
Evolutionary Computation in Practice
ISBN 9783540757702 , 2008 , Rajkumar Roy, Tina Yu, Lawrence Davis, Cem Baydar
Evolutionary Computation in Practice
ISBN 9783642094927 , 2010 , Rajkumar Roy, Tina Yu, Lawrence Davis, Cem Baydar
Dynamic Optimization and Differential Games
ISBN 9780387727776 , 2007 , Terry L. Friesz
Introduction to Languages and the Theory of Computation
ISBN 9780071289429 , 2010 , John C. Martin
Clever Puzzles for Brainy Kids
ISBN 9781402705502 , 2003
The Hunger Games
ISBN 9780439023528 , 2008 , Suzanne Collins
Introduction to Quantum Computation
ISBN 9781581124668 , 2005 , Ioan Burda
Readings in Games and Information
ISBN 9780631215578 , 2001 , Eric Rasmusen
Games, Logic, and Constructive Sets
ISBN 9781575864495 , 2003 , G. Mints, Reinhard Muskens
Games for Business and Economics
ISBN 9780471230717 , 2003 , Roy Gardner
Quantum Computation and Quantum Information: 10th Anniversary Edition
ISBN 9781107002173 , 2010 , Michael A. Nielsen, Isaac L. Chuang
Timesaver games
ISBN 9788203309717 , 2000 , Jane Myles
Field Computation for Accelerator Magnets
ISBN 9783527635474 , 2011 , Stephan Russenschuck
Readings in Games and Information
ISBN 9780631215561 , 2001 , Eric Rasmusen
Mathematical Solitaires and Games
ISBN 9780895030177 , 1968
Introduction to the Theory of Computation
ISBN 9781133187813 , 2012 , Michael Sipser