Søk: 'Gender, Politics & Communication'
Gender, Politics & Communication
ISBN 9781572732421 , 2000 , Liesbet van Zoonen, Annabelle Sreberny-Mohammadi
Gender, Politics and Communication
ISBN 9781572732414 , 1999 , Liesbet van Zoonen, Annabelle Sreberny-Mohammadi
Gender, Politics, and Islam
ISBN 9788125027423 , 2002 , Therese Saliba, Carolyn Allen, Judith A. Howard
The New Politics of Gender Equality
ISBN 9780230007703 , 2007 , Judith Squires
Egypt As A Woman: Nationalism, Gender, And Politics
ISBN 9780520238572 , 2005 , Beth Baron
ISBN 9780745645681 , 2009 , Raewyn Connell
Women, Work, and Politics: The Political Economy of Gender Inequality
ISBN 9780300171341 , 2011 , Torben Iversen, Frances McCall Rosenbluth
Interrogating Postfeminism: Gender and the Politics of Popular Culture
ISBN 9780822340324 , 2007 , Yvonne Tasker, Diane Negra
Gender Equality and Welfare Politics in Scandinavia: The Limits of Political Ambition?
ISBN 9781847424655 , 2009 , Kari Melby, Christina Carlsson Wetterberg
ISBN 9780745645674 , 2009 , Raewyn Connell
Women and the White House: Gender, Popular Culture, and Presidential Politics
ISBN 9780813141015 , 2012 , Justin S. Vaughn, Lilly J. Goren
Equal democracies?: gender and politics in the Nordic countries
ISBN 9788200127994 , 1999 , Christina Bergqvist
Comparative Politics
ISBN 9780199665990 , 2013 , Daniele Caramani
Gender and power: society, the person, and sexual politics
ISBN 9780804714303 , 1988 , Robert Connell
Gender and power - society, the person and sexual politics
ISBN 9780745604688 , 1987 , R. W. Connell
Gender Trouble
ISBN 9780415389556 , 2006 , Judith Butler
Voyage Drama and Gender Politics, 1589-1642: Real and Imagined Worlds
ISBN 9780719054518 , 2003 , Claire Jowitt
Ongoing Crisis Communication
ISBN 9781452261362 , 2014 , W. Timothy Coombs
Gender and Development
ISBN 9780415775632 , 2009 , Janet Momsen
Communication Power
ISBN 9780199681938 , 2013 , Manuel Castells
Public Communication Campaigns
ISBN 9781412987707 , 2012 , Charles K. Atkin
ISBN 9780230363380 , 2013 , Andrew Heywood
Gender Archaeology
ISBN 9780745620152 , 2000 , Marie Louise Stig Sorensen
Communication Power
ISBN 9780199595693 , 2011 , Manuel Castells
Digital Communication
ISBN 9781461349754 , 2012 , David G. Messerschmitt, John R. Barry
Media, Gender and Identity
ISBN 9780415396615 , 2008 , David Gauntlett
Crafting Gender
ISBN 9780822331827 , 2004 , Eli Bartra
McQuail's Mass Communication Theory
ISBN 9781849202923 , 2010 , Denis McQuail
Communication Power
ISBN 9780199567041 , 2009 , Manuel Castells
A Social History of Spanish Labour: New Perspectives on Class, Politics, and Gender
ISBN 9781845452964 , 2008 , José A. Piqueras, Vicent Sanz Rozalén