Søk: 'Gendered Mobilities'
Gendered Mobilities
ISBN 9780754671053 , 2008 , Tim Cresswell, Tanu Priya Uteng
ISBN 9780853159391 , 2001 , Tim Cresswell, Scott McCracken
Geographies of Mobilities: Practices, Spaces, Subjects
ISBN 9780754673163 , 2010 , Tim Cresswell, Peter Merriman
Student Mobilities, Migration and the Internationalization of Higher Education
ISBN 9781137345998 , 2013 , Rachel Brooks
Gendered Fields: Women, Men, and Ethnography
ISBN 9780415062527 , 1993 , Diane Bell, Pat Caplan, Wazir Jahan Karim
Gendered practices: feminist studies of technology and society
ISBN 9789122017479 , 1997 , Boel Berner
Gendered Talk at Work: Constructing Gender Identity Through Workplace Discourse
ISBN 9781405178457 , 2008 , Janet Holmes
Splintering Urbanism: Networked Infrastructures, Technological Mobilities, and the Urban Condition
ISBN 9780415189651 , 2001 , Stephen Graham, Simon Marvin, Steve Graham
Gendered Talk at Work: Constructing Gender Identity Through Workplace Discourse
ISBN 9781405117593 , 2006 , Janet Holmes
Gendered Talk at Work: Constructing Gender Identity Through Workplace Discourse
ISBN 9781405117586 , 2006 , Janet Holmes
Gendered Voices: Reflections on Gender and Education in South Africa and Sudan
ISBN 9789462091351 , 2012 , H B Holmarsdottir, A I Farag
Gendered nations: nationalisms and gender order in the long nineteenth century
ISBN 9781859732595 , 2000 , Ida Blom, Catherine Hall
Gendered nations: nationalisms and gender order in the long nineteenth century
ISBN 9781859732649 , 2000 , Ida Blom, Catherine Hall
Femininity, Feminism and Gendered Discourse: A Selected and Edited Collection of Papers from the Fifth International Language and Gender Association Conference (IGALA5)
ISBN 9781443823647 , 2010 , Janet Holmes, Meredith Marra