Søk: 'Global pop, local language'
Global pop, local language
ISBN 9781578065363 , 2003 , Harris M. Berger, Michael Thomas Carroll
Global Pop: World Music, World Markets
ISBN 9780415918725 , 1997
Disability in Local and Global Worlds
ISBN 9780520246164 , 2007 , Susan Reynolds Whyte
The local construction of a global language: ideologies of English in South Korea
ISBN 9783110209631 , 2009 , Joseph Sung-Yul Park
English as a Global Language
ISBN 9781107611801 , 2012 , David Crystal
Disability in Local and Global Worlds
ISBN 9780520246171 , 2007 , Benedicte Ingstad Susan Reynolds Whyte
Global Marketing: Foreign Entry, Local Marketing & Global Management
ISBN 9780071169615 , 2000 , Johny K. Johansson
Football Culture: Local Conflicts, Global Visions
ISBN 9780714650418 , 2000 , Richard Giulianotti, Gerry P. T. Finn
Chemistry of Aquatic Systems: Local and Global Perspectives
ISBN 9789048144105 , 2012 , Werner Stumm, Giovanni Bidoglio
Comparative Education: The Dialectic of the Global and the Local
ISBN 9781442217768 , 2012 , Robert F. Arnove, Stephen Franz
English as a Global Language
ISBN 9780521530323 , 2003 , David Crystal
Policing Pop
ISBN 9781566399906 , 2002 , Martin Cloonan, Reebee Garofalo
English as a Global Language
ISBN 9780521823470 , 2003 , David Crystal
Who Owns the Media?: Global Trends and Local Resistance
ISBN 9781842774694 , 2004 , Pradip Thomas, Zaharom Nain
International Logistics and Supply Chain Outsourcing: From Local to Global
ISBN 9780749448141 , 2007 , Alan Rushton, Steve Walker
Svisj!; pop-quiz
ISBN 9788257316846 , 2005 , Amund Simensen, Berte Rommetveit
International Perspectives on Social Work: Global Conditions and Local Practice
ISBN 9781403939517 , 2006 , Karen Lyons, Kathleen Manion, Mary Carlsen
Settling the pop score: pop texts and identity politics
ISBN 9780754603511 , 2002 , Stan Hawkins
The Arts and Youth at Risk: Global and Local Challenges
ISBN 9781847186324 , 2008 , Angela O'Brien, Kate Donelan
Local Government
ISBN 9781575725123 , 2000
Comparative Education: The Dialectic of the Global and the Local
ISBN 9780742523807 , 2003 , Robert F. Arnove, Carlos Alberto Torres
Bringing the Food Economy Home: Local Alternatives to Global Agribusiness
ISBN 9781842772331 , 2002 , Helena Norberg-Hodge, Todd Merrifield,m.fl.
The new catholicity: theology between the global and the local
ISBN 9781570751202 , 1997
Pop og rock
ISBN 9788205153127 , 1986 , Per Ole Hagen
Local and Regional Development
ISBN 9780415357180 , 2006 , Andy Pike, John Tomaney, A. Rodriguez-Pose
Albert Speer & Partner: A Manifesto for Sustainable Cities : Think Local, Act Global
ISBN 9783791342078 , 2009 , Stefan Jäger
Pop Goes the Weasel
ISBN 9780747257905 , 2000 , James Brendan Patterson
Pop up karta-Stockholm
ISBN 9781841391687 , 2000 , KARTA, Map Group
Environment, development and change in rural Asia-Pacific: between local and global
ISBN 9780415404143 , 2006 , John Connell, Eric Waddell
Pop up karta-London
ISBN 9781841390062 , 1999 , KARTA