Søk: 'Handbook of Research in International Marketing'
Handbook of Research in International Marketing
ISBN 9780077117382 , 2008 , Subhash C. Jain, Dr. Patrik Jonsson,m.fl.
Handbook of Research in International Marketing
ISBN 9781840649468 , 2003 , Subhash C. Jain
International marketing research
ISBN 9780130453860 , 2000 , V. Kumar
Marketing Research: An International Approach
ISBN 9780273646358 , 2006 , Sven Hollensen, Dr. Svend Hollensen,m.fl.
Handbook of Qualitative Research
ISBN 9780761915126
Handbook of Research Methods in Personality Psychology
ISBN 9781606236123 , 2010 , Richard W. Robins, R. Chris Fraley,m.fl.
Essentials of International Marketing
ISBN 9780765624758 , 2010 , Donald L. Brady
Handbook of Research Methods in Personality Psychology
ISBN 9781593851118 , 2007 , Richard W. Robins, R. Chris Fraley,m.fl.
Marketing Research: Methodological Foundations
ISBN 9781507775547 , 2015 , Dawn Iacobucci
A Handbook of International Trade in Services
ISBN 9780199235216 , 2008 , Aaditya Mattoo, Robert M. Stern, Gianni Zanini
International Marketing
ISBN 9780077108304 , 2005 , Pervez N. Ghauri, Graham Cateora,m.fl.
Essential Knowledge for Research in Marketing
ISBN 9780761926993 , 2012 , Gerald Zaltman, Jon Scott Armstrong,m.fl.
International Marketing Strategy
ISBN 9781408044070 , 2012 , Isobel Doole, Robin Lowe
Handbook of Personality: Theory and Research
ISBN 9781609180591 , 2011 , Oliver P. John, Richard W. Robins,m.fl.
Foundations of International Marketing
ISBN 9781861521644 , 1998 , Steve Johnston, Harold Beaton
Marketing research essentials
ISBN 9780471684763 , 2005 , Carl D. McDaniel, Roger H. Gates
Principles of Marketing: International Edition
ISBN 9780137128273 , 2008 , Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong
Handbook of research methods in clinical psychology
ISBN 9780471295099 , 1999 , Philip C. Kendall, James Neal Butcher,m.fl.
International Marketing
ISBN 9780030180224 , 1997 , Vern Terpstra, Ravi Sarathy
The SAGE Handbook of Qualitiative Research in Psychology
ISBN 9781412907804 , 2008 , Carla Willig, Wendy Stainton Rogers
Marketing Research: Methodological Foundation
ISBN 9780538743778 , 2009 , Dawn Iacobucci
Handbook of Self-determination Research
ISBN 9781580461566 , 2008 , Edward L. Deci, Richard M. Ryan
Handbook of International Relations
ISBN 9780761963059 , 2002 , Walter Carlsnaes, Thomas Risse, Beth A. Simmons
The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research
ISBN 9781412974172 , 2011 , Yvonna S. Lincoln
Basic Marketing Research
ISBN 9780131296138 , 2004 , Ronald F. Bush, Alvin C. Burns
Marketing Research: Methodological Foundations
ISBN 9781439081013 , 2010 , Dawn Iacobucci, Gilbert Churchill
Marketing Research with SPSS
ISBN 9780273703839 , 2008 , Patrick De Pelsmacker
Routledge International Handbook of Participatory Design
ISBN 9780415720212 , 2013 , Jesper Simonsen
Handbook of research methods in clinical psychology
ISBN 9780471079804 , 1982 , James N. Butcher, Philip C. Kendall
The International Handbook of Creativity
ISBN 9780521547314 , 2006 , James C. Kaufman