Søk: 'High-speed Circuit Board Signal Integrity'
High-speed Circuit Board Signal Integrity
ISBN 9781580531313 , 2004 , Stephen C. Thierauf
Hydrodynamics of High-speed Marine Vehicles
ISBN 9780521178730 , 2010 , Odd M. Faltinsen
Hydrodynamics of High-Speed Marine Vehicles
ISBN 9780521845687 , 2006 , Odd Magnus Faltinsen
Hydrodynamics of High-Speed Marine Vehicles
ISBN 9781139447935 , 2005 , Odd M. Faltinsen
Cost Engineering in Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing
ISBN 9780824775742 , 1987 , Robert P. Hedden
Analysis of Signal Integrity and Power Integrity at System Level: Statistical Co-Analysis, Robust Optimization and Diagnosis of USB 2.0 System for Signal and Power Integrity
ISBN 9783639303100 , 2010 , Jai Narayan Tripathi
High Speed Packet Radio: Transceiver, Connections
ISBN 9780951796542 , 1994 , Michael Mansfield, Mike Mansfield
Digital Communications Test and Measurement: High-Speed Physical Layer Characterization
ISBN 9780132209106 , 2008 , Dennis Derickson, Marcus Muller
High-speed networks: TCP/IP and ATM design principles
ISBN 9780135259658 , 1998 , William Stallings
High-speed Digital Design: A Handbook of Black Magic
ISBN 9780133957242 , 1993 , Howard W. Johnson, Graham Martin
Right the First Time: A Practical Handbook on High Speed PCB ...
ISBN 9780974193601
A signal integrity engineer's companion: real-time test and measurement and design simulation
ISBN 9780131860063 , 2008 , David Ireland, Geoff Lawday, Peter Bush,m.fl.
Introductory Circuit Analysis
ISBN 9781292024004 , 2013 , Robert L. Boylestad
Circuit Design
ISBN 9781856175272 , 2008
Integrated Circuit Design
ISBN 9780321696946 , 2010 , David Money Harris, Neil H. E. Weste
Full Speed
ISBN 9780755301973 , 2003 , Janet Evanovich, Charlotte Hughes
Introductory Circuit Analysis
ISBN 9780131988262 , 2007 , Robert L. Boylestad
Speed-Up Chinese
ISBN 9787301134351 , 2008 , Zhiliang Guo, Huiyuan Yang
On board; storbok
ISBN 9788203304309 , 1997 , Ragnhild Walaker, Tove Laukeland, Angunn Bøkenes
Signal Processing First
ISBN 9780136019251 , 2013 , James H. McClellan, Ronald W. Schafer,m.fl.
Digital Signal Processing
ISBN 9780131873742 , 2006 , Dimitris G. Manolakis
Introductory Circuit Analysis
ISBN 9780137146666 , 2010 , Robert L. Boylestad
Engineering Circuit Analysis
ISBN 9780072866117 , 2006 , William H. Hayt, Steven M. Durbin
Electromagnetics explained [electronic resource]: a handbook for wireless/RF, EMC, and high-speed electronics
ISBN 9780750674034 , 2002 , Ron Schmitt
Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory
ISBN 9780133058017 , 2012 , Louis Nashelsky
Signal Processing First
ISBN 9780131202658 , 2002 , James H. McClellan, Ronald W. Schafer,m.fl.
Analog Circuit Design: Sensor and Actuator Interface Electronics, Integrated High-Voltage Electronics and Power Management, Low-Power and High-Resolution ADC's
ISBN 9781402027864 , 2004 , Arthur H. M. van Roermund, Michiel Steyaert,m.fl.
Signal Processing First
ISBN 9780130909992 , 2003 , James H. McClellan, Ronald W. Schafer,m.fl.
Introductory Circuit Analysis
ISBN 9780130484338 , 2003 , Robert L. Boylestad
Introductory Circuit Analysis
ISBN 9780130974174 , 2003 , Robert L. Boylestad