Søk: 'Homo Aestheticus: The Invention of Taste in the Democratic Age'
Homo Aestheticus: The Invention of Taste in the Democratic Age
ISBN 9780226244594 , 1993 , Luc Ferry, Robert De Loaiza
The Age of the Democratic Revolution: The challenge
ISBN 9780691005690 , 1969 , R. R. Palmer
The invention of solitude
ISBN 9780571227273 , 2007 , Paul Auster
The Invention of Love
ISBN 9780571192717 , 1997 , Tom Stoppard
The Invention of Solitude
ISBN 9780571154142 , 1988 , Paul Auster
The Invention of Culture
ISBN 9780226869346 , 1981 , Roy Wagner
Ethnicity in Ghana: The Limits of Invention
ISBN 9780333733233 , 2000 , Paul Nugent, Carola Lentz
Theories of the Democratic State
ISBN 9780230542877 , 2009 , Patrick Dunleavy, John Dryzek
The Acropolis in the Age of Pericles
ISBN 9780521527408 , 2004 , Jeffrey M. Hurwit
The Spirit of the Age
ISBN 9780300151381
Homo Ludens: A Study of the Play-Element in Culture
ISBN 9781614277064 , 2014 , Johan Huizinga
The State of Democratic Theory
ISBN 9780691123967 , 2005 , Ian Shapiro
Food: A Taste of the Road
ISBN 9781885211774 , 2002 , Richard Sterling
The Age of Migration
ISBN 9780230517851 , 2009 , Mark J. Miller, Stephen Castles
The rise of Homo sapiens: the evolution of modern thinking
ISBN 9781405152549 , 2009 , Frederick Lawrence Coolidge, Thomas Wynn
Reading in the Brain: The Science and Evolution of a Human Invention
ISBN 9780670021109 , 2009
The Age of Migration
ISBN 9780333948798 , 2003 , Mark J. Miller, Stephen Castles
Age of the Platform
ISBN 9780982930267 , 2011 , Phil Simon
The Death of the Baroque and the Rhetoric of Good Taste
ISBN 9780521843416 , 2005 , Vernon Hyde Minor
The Age of Migration: International Population Movements in the Modern World
ISBN 9780230355774 , 2013 , Mark J. Miller, Stephen Castles
The Tools of Government in the Digital Age: Second Edition
ISBN 9780230001442 , 2007 , 2. utgave , Christopher C. Hood, Helen Z. Margetts
Child Soldiers in the Age of Fractured States
ISBN 9780822960294 , 2010 , Scott Gates, Simon Reich
The Age of the Economist
ISBN 9780321088123 , 2001 , Daniel R. Fusfeld
Democracy in the Age of Globalization and Mediatization
ISBN 9781137299864 , 2013 , Hanspeter Kriesi, Jorg Matthes, Sandra Lavenex,m.fl.
The Age of Augustus
ISBN 9781405151498 , 2007 , Werner Eck
The Power of Images in the Age of Augustus
ISBN 9780472081240 , 1990 , Paul Zanker
Literacy in the Digital Age
ISBN 9781412957465 , 2008 , R. W. Burniske
Religion in the Media Age
ISBN 9780415314237 , 2006 , Stewart M. Hoover
The Invention of Art: A Cultural History
ISBN 9780226753430 , 2003 , Larry Shiner
The Age of Extremes
ISBN 9780349106717 , 1995 , E.J. Hobsbawm