Søk: 'Images of Power: Balinese Paintings Made for Gregory Bateson and Margaret Mead'
Images of Power: Balinese Paintings Made for Gregory Bateson and Margaret Mead
ISBN 9780824816797 , 1994 , Hildred Geertz
Images of Power
ISBN 9780824816469 , 1994 , Hildred Geertz
Coming of Age in American Anthropology: Margaret Mead and Paradise
ISBN 9781581128451 , 1999
Confronting Margaret Mead: Scholarship, Empire, and the South Pacific
ISBN 9780877228868 , 1992 , Lenora Foerstel, Angela Gilliam
Balinese Character: A Photographic Analysis
ISBN 9780890727805 , 1985 , Gregory Bateson, Margaret Mead
Balinese Worlds
ISBN 9780226038346 , 1993 , Fredrik Barth
Dictionary of Balinese-English
ISBN 9780950532233 , 1979 , Charles Clyde Barber
The Power of Images in the Age of Augustus
ISBN 9780472081240 , 1990 , Paul Zanker
Margaret Atwood
ISBN 9781441156327
Images of Organization
ISBN 9781412939799 , 2006 , Gareth Morgan
Studyguide for International Management by Mead, Richard, ISBN 9781405173995
ISBN 9781405173995 , 2012 , Richard Mead
Carl Rogers : Dialogues: Conversations with Martin Buber, Paul Tillich, B.F. Skinner, Gregory Bateson, Michael Polanyi, Rollo May, and Others
ISBN 9780094698307 , 1990 , Carl Ransom Rogers
A Grammar of the Balinese Language
ISBN 9780950532240 , 1981 , Charles Clyde Barber, University of Aberdeen
Ånd og natur : en nødvendig enhed
ISBN 9788252583717 , 2014 , Gregory Bateson
Shantaram. Gregory David Roberts
ISBN 9780349117546 , 2009 , Gregory David Roberts
Paul McCartney: Paintings
ISBN 9780821226735 , 2004 , Barry Miles, Paul McCartney, Julian Treuherz,m.fl.
A Picture History of Margaret Catchpole
ISBN 9780954829889 , 2009 , Richard Cobbold, Pip Wright
Landmarking and Segmentation of 3D CT Images
ISBN 9781598292848 , 2008 , Raj Rangayyan, Shantanu Banik, Rangaraj Rangayyan,m.fl.
American Paintings of the 19th Century
ISBN 9780894682544 , 1999
Odd Nerdrum; paintings, sketches and drawings
ISBN 9788205329973 , 2004 , Odd Nerdrum, Richard Vine
VBA For Excel Made Simple
ISBN 9780750660976 , 2004 , Keith Darlington
Managing Turbulent Hearts: A Balinese Formula for Living
ISBN 9780226896809 , 1990 , Unni Wikan
Images of the Multinational Firm
ISBN 9781405147002 , 2009 , Simon Collinson, Glenn Morgan
Images of Plague and Pestilence: Iconography and Iconology
ISBN 9780943549859 , 2001 , Christine M. Boeckl
SPICE for Power Electronics and Electric Power, Second Edition
ISBN 9780849334184 , 2005 , 2. utgave , Muhammad H. Rashid
The Ideology of Power and the Power of Ideology
ISBN 9781859842126 , 1999 , Göran Therborn
Learning to Look at Paintings
ISBN 9780415435185 , 2008 , Mary Acton
Digital Compression of Still Images and Video
ISBN 9780121757205 , 1995 , Roger J. Clarke
Studyguide for Psychological Testing: History, Principles, And Applications by Gregory, ISBN 9780205468829
ISBN 9781428867307 , 2009 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
120 Great Victorian Fantasy Paintings
ISBN 9780486990040 , 2009 , Jeff A. Menges