Søk: 'Information Systems Today: Why Is Matters & Student CDROM Pk'
Information Systems Today: Why Is Matters & Student CDROM Pk
ISBN 9780132190442 , 2006 , Leonard Jessup, Joseph Valacich
Information Systems Today: Why Is Matters
ISBN 9780131454873 , 2005 , Leonard M. Jessup, Joseph S. Valacich
Information Systems Today: International Version
ISBN 9780273756811 , 2011 , Christoph Schneider
Why Music Matters
ISBN 9781405192415 , 2013
Fundamentals of Information Systems with CDROM
ISBN 9780619215606 , 2005 , Ralph M Stair, Jr., George Walter Reynolds
Children's Spirituality: What It Is and Why It Matters
ISBN 9780715140277 , 2009
Information Systems Today: Managing in the Digital World
ISBN 9781292000008 , 2013 , Joseph Valacich, Christoph Schneider, Ramesh Behl,m.fl.
Information Systems Today: Managing the Digital World
ISBN 9780136078401 , 2009 , Joseph Valacich, Christoph Schneider
Information Systems Today: Managing in the Digital World
ISBN 9780137066995 , 2010 , Christoph Schneider, Joseph S. Valacich
Why Read Marx Today?
ISBN 9780192805058 , 2003 , Jonathan Wolff
Why Knowledge Matters in Curriculum
ISBN 9780415522007 , 2012 , Leesa Wheelahan
Identity, Difference Politics: How Difference Is Produced, and Why It Matters
ISBN 9780774815901 , 2009 , Rita Dhamoon
Strategic Management of Information Systems: International Student Version
ISBN 9781118322543 , 2012 , 5. utgave
Information Systems
ISBN 9781111532932 , 2011 , Ralph M. Stair, George Walter Reynolds
Identity, Difference Politics: How Difference Is Produced, and Why It Matters
ISBN 9780774815918 , 2010 , Rita Dhamoon
Free Market Madness: Why Human Nature Is at Odds with Economics - And Why It Matters
ISBN 9781422126097 , 2009 , Peter A. Ubel
Information Systems Today: Managing the Digital World: Global Edition
ISBN 9780138157623 , 2009 , Christoph Schneider, Joseph S. Valacich
Bad Leadership: What it Is, how it Happens, why it Matters
ISBN 9781591391661 , 2004 , Barbara Kellerman
Strategic Management of Information Systems, International Student Version,
ISBN 9780470400241 , 2009
Introduction to Information Systems, 5th Edition International Student Vers
ISBN 9781118808559 , 2014 , 5. utgave , R. Kelly Rainer
Why Evolution is True
ISBN 9780199230846 , 2009 , Jerry A. Coyne
Historical Archaeology: Why the Past Matters
ISBN 9781598740233 , 2007 , Barbara J. Little
Introduction to Information Systems, 4th Edition International Student Vers
ISBN 9781118092309 , 2012 , 4. utgave , R. Kelly Rainer, Casey G. Cegielski
Heaven is a Place on Earth: Why Everything You Do Matters to God
ISBN 9780310253075 , 2004 , Michael E. Wittmer
Accounting Information Systems
ISBN 9780132552622 , 2011 , Marshall B. Romney, Paul John Steinbart
Ecofeminist Philosophy: A Western Perspective on what it is and why it Matters
ISBN 9780847692996 , 2000 , Karen J. Warren
Ecofeminist philosophy: a western perspective on what it is and why it matters
ISBN 9780847692989 , 2000 , Karen J. Warren
Principles of Information Systems
ISBN 9781285072241 , 2013 , Ralph M. Stair
Studyguide for Information Systems Today by Jessup & Valacich, ISBN 9780130094148: 0130094145
ISBN 9781428808812 , 2006 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews, Jessup and Valacich,m.fl.
How Good Is David Mamet, Anyway?: Writings on Theater-- And Why It Matters
ISBN 9780415925471 , 1999 , John Heilpern