Søk: 'Introduction to Cryptography with Coding Theory'
Introduction to Cryptography With Coding Theory
ISBN 9788131714768 , 2007 , Trappe
Introduction to Cryptography with Coding Theory
ISBN 9780131862395 , 2005 , 2. utgave , Wade Trappe, Lawrence Washington
Introduction to Cryptography: With Coding Theory
ISBN 9780131981997 , 2005 , Wade Trappe, Lawrence C. Washington
Introduction to cryptography: with coding theory
ISBN 9780130618146 , 2002 , Wade Trappe, Lawrence C. Washington
Advances in Coding Theory and Cryptography
ISBN 9789812707017 , 2007 , Tanush Shaska, W.Cary Huffman, D. Joyner
An Introduction to Cryptography with Java Applets
ISBN 9780763722074 , 2002 , David Bishop
An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography
ISBN 9781493917112 , 2014 , Joseph H. Silverman, Jeffrey Hoffstein,m.fl.
An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography
ISBN 9781493917105 , 2014 , Joseph H. Silverman, Jeffrey Hoffstein
Error control coding: from theory to practice
ISBN 9780470843567 , 2002 , Peter Sweeney
Handbook of Coding Theory
ISBN 9780444500878 , 1998 , William Cary Huffman, V.S. Pless, W. Huffman
Introduction to Cryptography and Network Security
ISBN 9780072870220 , 2007 , Behrouz A. Forouzan
Cryptography: Theory And Practice
ISBN 9781584885085 , 2005 , Douglas R. Stinson
Cryptography: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9781584882060 , 2002 , Douglas R. Stinson
Introduction to Number Theory
ISBN 9781584889373 , 2007 , Martin J. Erickson, Anthony Vazzana
Introduction to Political Theory
ISBN 9780582473737 , 2006 , John Hoffman, Paul Graham
Cryptography: A Very Short Introduction
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A Classical Introduction to Cryptography: Applications for Communications Security
ISBN 9780387254647 , 2006 , Serge Vaudenay
Strategy: An Introduction to Game Theory
ISBN 9780393918380 , 2013 , Joel Watson
Introduction to Game Theory
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Introduction to graph theory
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Option Theory With Stochastic Analysis: An Introduction to Mathematical Finance
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Introduction to the Theory of Computation
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An Introduction to Number Theory
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Friendly Introduction to Number Theory
ISBN 9780131984523 , 2006 , Joseph H. Silverman
Strategy: An Introduction to Game Theory
ISBN 9780393929348 , 2007 , Joel Watson
An Introduction to Game Theory
ISBN 9780195128956 , 2003 , Martin J. Osborne
An Introduction to Morse Theory
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An Introduction to Ring Theory
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