Søk: 'Knowing Children: Participant Observation with Minors'
Knowing Children: Participant Observation with Minors
ISBN 9780803933651 , 1988 , Gary Alan Fine, Kent L. Sandstrom
Participant Observation
ISBN 9780030445019 , 1980 , James P. Spradley
Children with Specific Language Impairment
ISBN 9780262027069 , 2014 , Laurence B. Leonard
Everyone worth knowing
ISBN 9780007182657
Baking Bread With Children
ISBN 9781903458600 , 2008 , Warren Lee Cohen, Marije Rowling
Exploring Clay with Children
ISBN 9780713645064 , 1997 , Chris Utley, Mal Magson
Basic influencing skills: participant manual
ISBN 9780917276040 , 1976 , Allen E. Ivey, Norma B. Gluckstern
Knowing by Oneself, Knowing with the Other: Al-?amir, Human Conscience and Christian-Muslim Relations
ISBN 9788249700783 , 2002 , Oddbjørn Leirvik
Physical Therapy for Children [With DVD]
ISBN 9780721603780 , 2006 , Darl W. Vander Linden
Psychotherapy With Children and Adolescents
ISBN 9780521775588 , 2001 , Helmut Remschmidt, MD, PhD
Children with Specific Language Impairment
ISBN 9780262621366 , 2000 , Laurence B. Leonard
Lonely Planet Travel With Children
ISBN 9780864427298 , 2002 , Maureen Wheeler, Cathy Lanigan
Research With Children: Perspectives and Practices
ISBN 9780415416832 , 2008 , Allison James, Pia Monrad Christensen
Research With Children: Perspectives and Practices
ISBN 9780415416849 , 2007 , Allison James, Pia Monrad Christensen
Bhutan: Ways of Knowing
ISBN 9781593117344 , 2008
Designerly Ways of Knowing
ISBN 9783764384845 , 2007 , Nigel Cross
Designerly Ways of Knowing
ISBN 9781846283000 , 2006 , Nigel Cross
Assessment of Children with Special Needs
ISBN 9781401825270 , 2003 , T. Benner
Cucurbit Diseases: Observation, Identification and control
ISBN 9781874545156 , 1994 , D. Blancard, M. Pitrat,m.fl.
Counselling Children
ISBN 9781446256541 , 2013 , Kathryn Geldard, David Geldard
Counselling Children with Chronic Medical Conditions
ISBN 9781854332417 , 1997 , Melinda Edwards, Hilton Davis
How Children Develop
ISBN 9781429242318 , 2014 , Robert S. Siegler, Nancy Eisenberg, Jenny Saffran
Doing Research with Children and Young People
ISBN 9780761943815 , 2003 , Vicky Lewis, Sandy Fraser, Sharon Ding,m.fl.
Bhutan: Ways of Knowing (Hc)
ISBN 9781593117351 , 2007
Counselling and Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents
ISBN 9781403997913 , 2006 , Linda Hopper
An Introduction to Children With Language Disorders
ISBN 9780205420421 , 2005 , Vicki A. Reed
Counseling Children
ISBN 9780840032607 , 2010 , Charles L. Thompson, Donna A. Henderson
Conducting Research with Children: Perspectives and Practices
ISBN 9780750709743 , 2000 , Pia Monrad Christensen, Professor Allison James
Ways of Knowing: Competing Methodologies in Social and Political Research
ISBN 9780230360693 , 2012 , Torbjørn Knutsen, Jonathon Moses
Children Caring for Parents with HIV and AIDS
ISBN 9781847420220 , 2009 , Ruth Evans, Saul Becker