Søk: 'Kompetent skoleledelse: Roy-Asle Andreassen ... (red.).'
Kompetent skoleledelse: Roy-Asle Andreassen ... (red.).
ISBN 9788251924863 , 2010 , Einar M. Skaalvik, Eirik J. Irgens,m.fl.
ISBN 9788202286446 , 2008 , Gro Dahle, Svein Nyhus
Elevsentrert skoleledelse
ISBN 9788202452421 , 2014 , Viviane Robinson
Skoleledelse: skolen som organisasjon
ISBN 9788245005813 , 2008 , Bjørn Olsen
Red Mist: Roy Keane and the World Cup Civil War : a Fan's Story
ISBN 9780747570141 , 2004 , Conor O'Callaghan, Roy Keane
Roy og dovendyret
ISBN 9788249600113 , 2001 , Yves-Marie Clément
The Roy Adaptation Model
ISBN 9780130384973 , 2008 , Heather A. Andrews, Sister Callista Roy
ISBN 9781780890685 , 2012 , James B. Patterson
The Roy adaptation model
ISBN 9780838582480 , 1999 , Heather A. Andrews, Callista Roy
Et kompetent barnehagepersonale: om personal- og kompetanseutvikling i barnehagen
ISBN 9788276345230 , 2004 , Kjell-Åge Gotvassli
Blood Red Road
ISBN 9781407124261 , 2012 , Moira Young
Red Snapper
ISBN 9781847482747 , 2008 , Robin Anderson
Red Dwarf Omnibus: Red Dwarf
ISBN 9780140174663 , 1992 , Grant Naylor
Red Lights
ISBN 9781842430866 , 2003 , Georges Simenon
Red Mercury
ISBN 9788291722313 , 2003 , Rune Timberlid
Red Rabbit
ISBN 9780141004914 , 2003 , Tom Clancy
Red Rabbit
ISBN 9780141014159 , 2003 , Tom Clancy
Red rabbit
ISBN 9780425191644 , 2002 , Tom Clancy
Careless in red
ISBN 9780340922989 , 2009 , Elizabeth George
Red Mars
ISBN 9780586213896 , 1996 , Kim Stanley Robinson
Skoleledelse: betingelser for læring og ledelse i skolen
ISBN 9788251923194 , 2009 , Einar M. Skaalvik, Eirik J. Irgens,m.fl.
The Red Tent
ISBN 9780586207413 , 2007 , Katharine Kerr
The Roy Adaptation Model in Action
ISBN 9780333574140 , 1994 , Callista Roy, Justus A. Akinsanya, Carol Crouch,m.fl.
My Name Is Red
ISBN 9780571268832 , 2012 , Orhan Pamuk
Roses are red
ISBN 9780747266990 , 2001 , James Patterson
Roses are red
ISBN 9780446605489 , 2001 , James Patterson
My Name is Red
ISBN 9781841593319 , 2010 , Orhan Pamuk
My little red book
ISBN 9780446558341 , 2009 , Rachel Kauder-Nalebuff
My Name is Red
ISBN 9780571244195 , 2008 , Orhan Pamuk, John Lee
Red Storm Rising
ISBN 9780006173625 , 1993 , Tom Clancy