Søk: 'Language, Usage and Cognition'
Language, Usage and Cognition
ISBN 9780521616836 , 2010 , Joan Bybee
Perception, Cognition and Language
ISBN 9780262122283 , 2000 , Barbara Landau, John Sabini, Elissa L. Newport,m.fl.
Studies in Language and Cognition
ISBN 9781443801744 , 2009 , Jordan Zlatev, Mats Andren,m.fl.
Developmental Disorders of Language Learning and Cognition
ISBN 9780631206125 , 2008 , Charles J. Hulme, Margaret J. Snowling
Crosslinguistic Influence in Language and Cognition
ISBN 9780415879811 , 2010 , Scott Jarvis, Aneta Pavlenko
The Chinese Language: Its History and Current Usage
ISBN 9780804838535 , 2006
Developmental Disorders of Language Learning and Cognition
ISBN 9780631206118 , 2008 , Charles J. Hulme, Margaret J. Snowling
Constructing a Language: A Usage-Based Theory of Language Acquisition
ISBN 9780674017641 , 2005 , Michael Tomasello
Politeness: Some Universals in Language Usage
ISBN 9780521313551 , 1987 , Marjorie Harness Goodwin, Penelope Brown,m.fl.
Handbook of Child Psychology, Cognition, Perception, and Language
ISBN 9780471272892 , 2006 , Robert S. Siegler, William Damon, Deanna Kuhn
Practical English usage
ISBN 9780194420983 , 2009 , Michael Swan
Grammar, Usage, and Punctuation: Rhetorical Tools for Literate Uses of Language
ISBN 9780132946575 , 2012
The Language Toolkit: Practical Advice on English Grammar and Usage
ISBN 9780198606154 , 2002 , Jonathan Law
ISBN 9780470087640 , 2008
Practical English Usage
ISBN 9780194420990 , 2005 , Michael Swan
Cognition on Cognition
ISBN 9780262631679 , 1996 , Jacques A. Mehler
Practical English Usage
ISBN 9780194311977 , 2004 , Michael Swan
ISBN 9780195422863 , 2007
ISBN 9781428800953 , 2006 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
ISBN 9780471719359 , 2004
ISBN 9780470002216 , 2001
ISBN 9780194311984 , 1995 , 2. utgave
Fish Cognition and Behavior
ISBN 9789781405136 , 2006
Embodied Cognition
ISBN 9780415773423 , 2010 , Lawrence Shapiro
Second Language Learning and Language Teaching
ISBN 9780340958766 , 2008 , Vivian J. Cook
The Cognition: Essays, Demonstrations, and Explorations
ISBN 9780393919325 , 2013
Learning and Cognition in Education
ISBN 9780123814388 , 2011
ISBN 9780133988765 , 1996
Practical English usage
ISBN 9780194311854 , 1980 , Michael Swan
Mathematical Cognition
ISBN 9781930608344 , 2003