Søk: 'Learning with Animation: Research Implications for Design'
Learning with Animation: Research Implications for Design
ISBN 9780521617390 , 2007 , Richard Lowe
Foundation HTML5 Animation with JavaScript
ISBN 9781430236658 , 2011 , Billy Lamberta, Keith Peters
Learning Web Design with Adobe CS4
ISBN 9780135076866 , 2009 , Katherine Murray
Student CD for Learning Web Design with Adobe CS5
ISBN 9780138024925 , 2010 , Katherine Murray, Emergent Learning LLC
Research Design Explained
ISBN 9781133490746 , 2012 , Mark Mitchell, Janina Jolley
Research Design: ...
ISBN 9780761944874 , 2006 , David de Vaus
Case Study Research: Design and Methods
ISBN 9781452242569 , 2013 , Robert K. Yin
College Men and Masculinities: Theory, Research, and Implications for Practice
ISBN 9780470448427 , 2010
Qualitative Research Design for Software Users
ISBN 9780335225217 , 2008 , Silvana Di Gregorio, Judith Davidson
Animation Now !
ISBN 9783822825884 , 2004 , Rida Queiroz, Julius. Wiedemann
Educational Design Research
ISBN 9780415396356 , 2006 , Jan Van den Akker, Susan McKenney, Nienke Nieveen
Qualitative Research Design for Software Users
ISBN 9780335225200 , 2008 , Silvana Di Gregorio, Judith Davidson
Qualitative Research Design for Software Users
ISBN 9780335237555 , 2009 , DI GREGORIO
Learning Web Design with Adobe CS3: Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash [With CDROM]
ISBN 9780135044995 , 2008 , Katherine Murphy
Ecology of Coastal Waters: With Implications For Management
ISBN 9780865425507 , 2000 , Kenneth H. Mann
Learning Web Design With Adobe CS4: Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash
ISBN 9780135076880 , 2009 , Katherine Murray
Research Design Explained
ISBN 9780534617318 , 2003 , Mark Mitchell, Janina M Jolley
Research Design in Social Research
ISBN 9780761953470 , 2001 , D. A. De Vaus
Research Design in Social Research
ISBN 9780761953463 , 2001 , David de Vaus
Women entrepreneurs: theory, research and policy implications
ISBN 9788276346671 , 2005
Learning Processing: A Beginner's Guide to Programming Images, Animation, and Interaction
ISBN 9780123944436 , 2013 , Daniel Shiffman
Recovery from Severe Mental Illnesses: Research Evidence and Implications for Practice
ISBN 9781878512161 , 2005 , LeRoy J. Spaniol, Courtenay Harding
Applying social psychology: implications for research, practice, and training
ISBN 9780470209653 , 1975 , Morton Deutsch, Harvey A. Hornstein,m.fl.
Strategies for Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities
ISBN 9789781412967 , 2009 , Lucy C. Martin
Learning Processing: A Beginner's Guide to Programming Images, Animation, and Interaction
ISBN 9780123736024 , 2008 , Daniel Shiffman
Practical Research: Planning and Design
ISBN 9780132899505 , 2012 , Jeanne Ellis Ormrod, Paul D. Leedy
Handbook of Stress, Coping, and Health: Implications for Nursing Research, Theory, and Practice
ISBN 9781412999298 , 2012
Learning with LabVIEW 2009
ISBN 9780132141314 , 2010 , Robert H. Bishop
Research Design and Methods: A Process Approach
ISBN 9781259060380 , 2013 , Kenneth S. Bordens, Abbott
Practical Research: Planning and Design
ISBN 9780132693240 , 2013 , Jeanne Ellis Ormrod, Paul D. Leedy