Søk: 'Longing'
ISBN 9780747561422 , 2003 , Gunnar Kopperud, Christopher Jamieson
An Atlas of Impossible Longing
ISBN 9781847247643 , 2009 , Anuradha Roy
Ryfylke: home of grey stone and longing
ISBN 9788291370064 , 1998 , Kolbjørn Hauge
After the Apple: Women in the Bible: Women In the Bible - Timeless Stories of Love, Lust, and Longing
ISBN 9781401359805 , 2006 , Naomi Harris Rosenblatt
After the Apple: Women in the Bible: Women In the Bible - Timeless Stories of Love, Lust, and Longing
ISBN 9780786869084 , 2005 , Sylvia Ann Hewlett, Naomi Rosenblatt