Søk: 'Machine Learning and Data Mining: Introduction to Principles and Algorithms'
Machine Learning and Data Mining: Introduction to Principles and Algorithms
ISBN 9781904275213 , 2007 , Igor Kononenko, Matjaž Kukar
Machine Learning and Data Mining: Methods and Applications
ISBN 9780471971993 , 1998 , Ivan Bratko, Ryszard S. Michalski, Miroslav Kubat
Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques
ISBN 9780120884070
Introduction to Data Mining
ISBN 9781292026152 , 2013 , Pang-Ning Tan, Vipin Kumar
Introduction to Data Mining
ISBN 9780321420527 , 2006 , Pang-Ning Tan, Michael Steinbach, Vipin Kumar
Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques
ISBN 9780123814791 , 2011 , Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber, Jian Pei
Introduction to Algorithms
ISBN 9780262033848 , 2009 , Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson,m.fl.
Machine Learning
ISBN 9780071154673 , 1997 , Thomas Mitchell
Machine Learning
ISBN 9780070428072 , 1997 , Thomas Mitchell
A Practical Approach to Data Structures and Algorithms
ISBN 9781906574048 , 2009 , Sanjay Pahuja
Data Structures and Algorithms in C++
ISBN 9780470383278 , 2011 , David M. Mount
A Practical Approach to Data Structures and Algorithms
ISBN 9788122420678 , 2007 , Sanjay Pahuja
Introduction to Algorithms
ISBN 9780070131514 , 2001 , Thomas H. Cormen
From Curve Fitting to Machine Learning: An Illustrative Guide to Scientific Data Analysis and Computational Intelligence
ISBN 9783642212796 , 2011 , Achim Zielesny
Advanced Mapping of Environmental Data/Geostatistics, Machine Learning and Bayesian Maximum Entropy
ISBN 9781848210608 , 2008 , Mikhail Kanevski
Introduction to Theories and Learning
ISBN 9780130167354 , 2001 , B. R. Hergenhahn, Matthew H. Olson
Data Structures and Algorithms in Java
ISBN 9780471738848 , 2005
ISBN 9780262530910 , 1990
Introduction to Algorithms
ISBN 9780070131439 , 1990
Introduction to Algorithms, Third Edition
ISBN 9780262533058 , 2009 , 3. utgave , Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson,m.fl.
Information Theory, Inference and Learning Algorithms
ISBN 9780521642989 , 2003 , David J. C. MacKay
Introduction to Algorithms and Java CD-Rom
ISBN 9780072970548 , 2004 , Clifford Stein, Thomas Cormen, Charles Leiserson,m.fl.
Machine Learning in Document Analysis and Recognition
ISBN 9783540762799 , 2008 , Simone Marinai, Hiromichi Fujisawa
Algorithms and Architectures for Machine Learning Based on Regularized Neural Networks and Support Vector Approaches
ISBN 9783826596407 , 2001 , Shaker Verlag GmbH
A Compendium of Machine Learning: Symbolic machine learning
ISBN 9781567501780 , 1996 , Garry Briscoe, Terry Caelli
Introduction to Geochemistry: Principles and Applications
ISBN 9781405121422 , 2012 , Kula C. Misra
Algorithms and Data Structures: The Basic Toolbox
ISBN 9783540779773 , 2008
Machine learning : an algorithmic perspective
ISBN 9781466583283 , 2014 , Stephen Marsland
A Practical Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms Using Java
ISBN 9781584884552 , 2008 , Sally A. Goldman, Kenneth J. Goldman,m.fl.
Applications of Machine Learning Techniques to Bioinformatics
ISBN 9783639054408 , 2008 , Haifeng Li