Søk: 'Magnetic Bearings and Bearingless Drives'
Magnetic Bearings and Bearingless Drives
ISBN 9780750657273 , 2005 , Akira Chiba, Tadashi Fukao, Osamu Ichikawa,m.fl.
Fitting and Adjusting Bearings
ISBN 9781857610512 , 1994 , R. Twelvetrees
Electric Motors and Drives
ISBN 9780080983325 , 2013
Electric and Magnetic Circuits
ISBN 9781110729760 , 2009 , Crapper Ellis H
Electric and Magnetic Circuits
ISBN 9781110729784 , 2009 , Crapper Ellis H
Electrical Machines, Drives and Power Systems
ISBN 9781292024585 , 2013 , Theodore Wildi
Magnetic Nanostructures in Modern Technology: Spintronics, Magnetic MEMS and Recording
ISBN 9781402063367 , 2007 , G. Asti, B. Azzerboni, L. Pareti, M. Ghidini
Magnetic Nanostructures in Modern Technology: Spintronics, Magnetic MEMS and Recording
ISBN 9781402063374 , 2007 , G. Asti, B. Azzerboni, L. Pareti, M. Ghidini
Electrical Machines, Drives, and Power Systems
ISBN 9780131969186 , 2005 , Theodore Wildi
Electric Machines and Drives: A First Course
ISBN 9781118074817 , 2012 , Ned Mohan
Electrical Machines, Drives, and Power Systems
ISBN 9780131776913 , 2005 , Theodore Wildi
Electrical Machines, Drives, and Power Systems
ISBN 9780130930835 , 2002 , Theodore Wildi
Klimakunnskap og kunnskapsklima; hvordan drives klimatilpasning?
ISBN 9788232103072 , 2013 , Robert Næss, Jøran Solli
Magnetic resonance imaging: physical and biological principles
ISBN 9780323014854 , 2008 , Stewart C. Bushong
Practical Variable Speed Drives and Power Electronics
ISBN 9780750658089 , 2003 , Malcolm Barnes
Potential Theory in Gravity and Magnetic Applications
ISBN 9780521575478 , 1996 , Richard J. Blakely
Electric Drives: An Integrative Approach
ISBN 9780971529250 , 2003 , Ned Mohan
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine: The Basic Textbook of the European Magnetic Resonance Forum
ISBN 9783936072129 , 2003 , Peter A. Rinck
Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields: Origins and Coronal Effects
ISBN 9789027716194 , 1983 , Jan Olof Stenflo
Advanced Electric Drives: Analysis, Control and Modeling Using SimulinkR
ISBN 9780971529205 , 2001 , Ned Mohan
Pocket Atlas of Sectional Anatomy: Computer Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging
ISBN 9783131255037 , 2006 , Emil Reif, Torsten B. Moller
A Handbook of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
ISBN 9780582251847 , 1997 , Ray Freeman
Solar Magnetic Fields: Polarized Radiation Diagnostics
ISBN 9780792327936 , 1994 , Jan Olof Stenflo
Intrinsic Motivation at Work: What Really Drives Employee Engagement
ISBN 9781576755679 , 2009 , Kenneth H. Thomas
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: A Neurochronometrics of Mind
ISBN 9780262232319 , 2003 , 2. utgave , Carl E. Walsh, Vincent Walsh,m.fl.
Magnetic Love Signs: When Words Just Aren't Enough
ISBN 9780762416103 , 2003 , Running Press, Elisa Shen
Magnetic poetry. Engelskspråklig utgave med 550 bokstavbrikker
ISBN 9788278860991 , 2002
Animal Spirits: How Human Psychology Drives the Economy, and Why It Matters for Global Capitalism
ISBN 9780691142333 , 2009 , George A. Akerlof, Robert J. Shiller
Dictionary of Drives and Mechatronics / Wrterbuch Antriebstechnik und Mechatronik: English-German, Deutsch-Englisch
ISBN 9783895782824 , 2007 , Thomas Antoni
Atlas of Anatomic Correlations in Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging
ISBN 9783136620014 , 1988 , Philipp Gerhardt, W. Frommhold, H.N. Bertram