Søk: 'Markov Chain Monte Carlo: Stochastic Simulation for Bayesian Inference'
Markov Chain Monte Carlo: Stochastic Simulation for Bayesian Inference
ISBN 9781584885870 , 2006 , Dani Gamerman, Hedibert Freitas Lopes
Image analysis, random fields and Markov chain Monte Carlo methods: a mathematical introduction
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Monte Carlo Simulation in Statistical Physics: An Introduction
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Monte Carlo Simulation in Statistical Physics: An Introduction
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Introductory Econometrics: Using Monte Carlo Simulation with Microsoft Excel
ISBN 9780521843195 , 2005 , Humberto Barreto, Frank M. Howland
A Course in Stochastic Processes: Stochastic Models and Statistical Inference
ISBN 9780792340874 , 1996 , Denis Bosq, Hung T. Nguyêñ
Applied Multivariate Analysis: Using Bayesian And Frequentist Methods Of Inference
ISBN 9780486442365 , 2005 , S. James Press
Carlo Carretto
ISBN 9780872431799 , 2004 , Carlo Carretto, Robin Baird-Smith
Monte Cassino
ISBN 9788292390061 , 2002 , Sven Hazel, Leif Tokum
Markov Chains
ISBN 9780521633963 , 1998 , J. R. Norris
Statistical Inference
ISBN 9780495391876 , 2008 , George Casella, Roger Berger
Bayesian Biostatistics
ISBN 9780824793340 , 1996 , Donald A. Berry
Bayesian Methods for Data Analysis, Third Edition
ISBN 9781584886976 , 2008 , 3. utgave
Learning Bayesian Networks
ISBN 9780130125347 , 2003 , Richard E. Neapolitan
Greven av Monte Christo
ISBN 9788278441565 , 2008 , Hans Braarvig, d.e. Dumas Alexandre,m.fl.
Stochastic Numerics for Mathematical Physics
ISBN 9783540211105 , 2004 , Grigori Milstein
Statistical Inference
ISBN 9780534243128 , 2001 , Roger L. Berger, George Casella
Elementary Bayesian Statistics
ISBN 9781858985046 , 1997 , Gordon Antelman, Albert Madansky,m.fl.
Greven av Monte Cristo
ISBN 9788203246449 , 2004 , Alexandre, d.e. Dumas, Roland Adlerberths
Introduction to Bayesian Econometrics
ISBN 9780521858717 , 2007 , Edward Greenberg
Bayesian Methods for Nonlinear Classification and Regression
ISBN 9780471490364 , 2002
Denumerable Markov Chains
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Introduction to Stochastic Calculus for Finance
ISBN 9783540348368 , 2006 , Dieter Sondermann
Computations with Markov Chains
ISBN 9780792395508 , 1995 , William J. Stewart
Probability and Statistical Inference
ISBN 9781292024783 , 2013 , Robert V. Hogg
Generic Inference: A Unifying Theory for Automated Reasoning
ISBN 9781118010860 , 2012 , Marc Pouly, Juerg Kohlas
Generic Inference: A Unifying Theory for Automated Reasoning
ISBN 9781118010846 , 2011 , Marc Pouly, Juerg Kohlas
Statistics: A Bayesian Perspective
ISBN 9780534234720 , 1995 , Donald A. Berry
Stochastic Frontier Analysis
ISBN 9780521666633 , 2003 , Subal C. Kumbhakar, C. A. Knox Lovell
Generic Inference: A Unifying Theory for Automated Reasoning
ISBN 9780470527016 , 2011 , Marc Pouly, Juerg Kohlas