Søk: 'Mastering movement: the life and work of Rudolf Laban'
Mastering movement: the life and work of Rudolf Laban
ISBN 9780413705303 , 1998
Music and movement: a way of life for the young child
ISBN 9780136013709 , 2008 , Linda Carol Edwards, Kathleen M. Bayless,m.fl.
Bonzo: The Life and Work of George Studdy
ISBN 9780903685238 , 1988 , Paul Babb, Gay Owen, Beryl Cook
Democracy and Institutions: The Life Work of Arend Lijphart
ISBN 9780472111268 , 2000 , Markus Michael L. Crepaz, Thomas A. Koelble,m.fl.
Functional Movement Development Across the Life Span
ISBN 9780721681221 , 2002 , Donna Cech, Suzanne C. Martin, Suzanne Martin
Mastering the Art of Drawing
ISBN 9781845613617 , 2007
Edward Sapir: Appraisals of His Life and Work
ISBN 9789027245182 , 1984 , Edward Sapir, E.F. Konrad Koerner
Anatomy of Movement
ISBN 9780939616572 , 2008 , Blandine Calais-Germain
Covetous of Truth: The Life and Work of Thomas White, 1563 1676
ISBN 9780792319269 , 1993 , Beverley C. Southgate
Mastering the Dynamics of Innovation
ISBN 9780875847405 , 1996 , James M. Utterback
The Mastering Engineer's Handbook: The Audio Mastering Handbook
ISBN 9781598634495 , 2008 , Bobby Owsinski
How Remarkable Women Lead: The Breakthrough Model for Work and Life
ISBN 9780307461698 , 2009 , Joanna Barsh, Susie Cranston, Geoffrey Lewis
Socialware: Facing the Choices of Life and Work in a Wired World
ISBN 9780875847627 , 2000 , Paul Duguid
Neurophysiological Basis of Movement
ISBN 9780736063678 , 2008 , Mark L. Latash
The Oxford Handbook of Positive Psychology and Work
ISBN 9780199989966 , 2013 , P. Alex Linley, Nicola Garcea
Mastering Audio: The Art and the Science
ISBN 9780240808376 , 2007
The Language of Work
ISBN 9780415307307 , 2004 , Almut Koester
The Sociology of Work: Continuity and Change in Paid and Unpaid Work
ISBN 9780761948537 , 2006 , Stephen Edgell
The Seven-day Weekend: Finding the Work/life Balance
ISBN 9780712623834 , 2003 , Ricardo Semler
A Comprehensive Interpretation of the Life and Work of Christa Wolf, 20th Century German Writer
ISBN 9780773472020 , 2002 , Hajo Drees
The Language of Work
ISBN 9780203622827 , 2004 , Almut Koester
The Language of Work
ISBN 9780415307291 , 2004 , Almut Koester
A Builder of the New South: Being the Story of the Life Work of Daniel Augustus Tompkins
ISBN 9781143053153 , 2010 , George Tayloe Winston, Daniel Augustus Tompkins
Det lille spøkelset Laban
ISBN 9788292530146 , 2004 , Lasse Sandberg, Inger Sandberg
Work Without Boundaries: Psychological Perspectives on the New Working Life
ISBN 9780470666142 , 2011 , Michael Allvin, Tom Hagstrom, Gunn Johansson,m.fl.
Jul med Laban og Labolina
ISBN 9788292530009 , 2003 , Lasse Sandberg, Inger Sandberg
Work, Worklessness, and the Political Economy of Health
ISBN 9780199588299 , 2011 , Clare Bambra
Anatomy of Movement
ISBN 9780939616176 , 1993 , Blandine Calais-Germain, Stephen Anderson (Ph.D.)
Mastering Audio: The Art and the Science
ISBN 9780240805450 , 2002
Matters of life and death: making moral theory work in medical ethics and the law
ISBN 9780691089478 , 2001