Søk: 'Nano Meets Macro: Social Perspectives on Nanoscale Sciences and Technologies'
Nano Meets Macro: Social Perspectives on Nanoscale Sciences and Technologies
ISBN 9789814267052 , 2010 , Kamilla Kjolberg, Fern Elizabeth Wickson
Social time and social change: perspectives on sociology and history
ISBN 9788200127901 , 1999 , Fredrik Engelstad, Ragnvald Kalleberg,m.fl.
A Macro Perspective on Technology Transfer
ISBN 9780899309774 , 1996 , Allan C. Reddy
International Perspectives on Social Work: Global Conditions and Local Practice
ISBN 9781403939517 , 2006 , Karen Lyons, Kathleen Manion, Mary Carlsen
Ethnography on an Awkward Scale: On Qualitative Method in the Social Sciences
ISBN 9781594514661 , 2012 , Jean Comaroff
Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences
ISBN 9781292021669 , 2013
Perspectives on Personality
ISBN 9780205219681 , 2011 , Charles S. Carver
Social justice and the Constitution: perspectives on a social union for Canada
ISBN 9780886291952 , 1993 , David Schneiderman, Joel Bakan, Donald C. Rowat
Perspectives on Personality
ISBN 9780205570874 , 2007 , Charles S. Carver, Michael F. Scheier
Downsizing Development: An Introduction to Nano-scale Technologies and the Implications for the Global South
ISBN 9789211011814 , 2009 , United Nations
Beyond Welfare State Models: Transnational Historical Perspectives on Social Policy
ISBN 9781848445697 , 2011 , Klaus Petersen, Pauli Kettunen
Communicating in the health and social sciences
ISBN 9780195516982 , 2005
MEMS & Microsystems: Design, Manufacture, and Nanoscale Engineering
ISBN 9780470083017 , 2008 , Tai-Ran Hsu
Perspectives on learning
ISBN 9780807744475 , 2004 , Jonas F. Soltis, D. Denis Charles Phillips
Action in social context: perspectives on early development
ISBN 9780306431395 , 1989 , Jeffrey J. Lockman, Nancy Lynn Hazen
Perspectives on Personality
ISBN 9780205414239 , 2003 , Charles S. Carver, Michael F. Scheier
Explaining Social Behavior: More Nuts and Bolts for the Social Sciences
ISBN 9780521771795 , 2007
Organizational Change: Perspectives on Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780199573783 , 2012 , Piers Myers, Liz Wiggins
Nano!: den nanoteknologiske revolusjonen
ISBN 9788245008098 , 2009 , Jan Sire
History Meets Fiction
ISBN 9781408220122 , 2009 , Beverley C. Southgate
Knowledge And The Social Sciences: Theory, Method, Practice
ISBN 9780415329767 , 2004 , David S. Goldblatt
Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences
ISBN 9780137131501 , 2009 , Barbara Finlay
Case Studies and Theory Development in the Social Sciences
ISBN 9780262572224 , 2005 , Alexander L. George, ALEXANDER L AUTOR GEORGE,m.fl.
Perspectives on Learning
ISBN 9780807737033 , 1998 , D.C. Phillips, Jonas F. Soltis
Nuts and Bolts for the Social Sciences
ISBN 9780521376068 , 1989
International social work: themes and perspectives
ISBN 9781857423891 , 1999 , Karen Lyons
International Development and the Social Sciences: Essays on the History and Politics of Knowledge
ISBN 9780520209572 , 1998 , Frederick Cooper, Randall M. Packard
Knowledge and the Social Sciences: Theory, Method, Practice
ISBN 9780203392201 , 2004 , David S. Goldblatt
Biomaterials: a nano approach
ISBN 9781420047813 , 2010 , Seeram Ramakrishna, T.S. Sampath Kumar,m.fl.
Protecting Participants and Facilitating Social and Behavioral Sciences Research
ISBN 9780309088527 , 2003 , National Academy of Sciences,m.fl.