Søk: 'Of myth, life, and war in Plato's Republic [electronic resource]'
Of myth, life, and war in Plato's Republic [electronic resource]
ISBN 9780253214850 , 2002 , Professor Claudia Baracchi
Plato: 'The Republic'
ISBN 9780521484435 , 2000 , Plato, Quentin Skinner, Raymond Geuss,m.fl.
Plato: 'The Republic'
ISBN 9780521481731 , 2000 , Plato, Quentin Skinner, Raymond Geuss,m.fl.
The Spanish Civil War [electronic resource]: a very short introduction
ISBN 9780192803771 , 2005 , Helen Graham
Sacred theatre [electronic resource]
ISBN 9781841501536 , 2007 , Ralph Yarrow, Franc Chamberlain
Translation studies [electronic resource]
ISBN 9780415280143 , 2002 , Susan Bassnett-McGuire
A Day in Athens With Socrates: Translations from the Protagoras and the Republic of Plato
ISBN 9781103846986 , 2009 , Plato Ellen Francis Mason
A Day in Athens with Socrates: Translations from the Protagoras and the Republic of Plato
ISBN 9781144027559 , 2010 , Plato, Ellen Francis Mason
A Day in Athens With Socrates: Translations from the Protagoras and the Republic of Plato
ISBN 9781103847068 , 2009 , Plato Ellen Francis Mason
Social behavior in farm animals [electronic resource]
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The Penguin dictionary of sociology [electronic resource]
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Social class and stratification [electronic resource]
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Portraits of the L2 user [electronic resource]
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Corporate communications [electronic resource]: theory and practice
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Plató's Republic: an introduction
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Understanding the Neolithic [electronic resource]
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Augustine and his critics [electronic resource]: essays in honour of Gerald Bonner
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Losing control? [electronic resource]: sovereignty in an age of globalization
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Australian national cinema [electronic resource]
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Phenomenological psychology [electronic resource]: theory, research, and method
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Lion of Jordan: The Life of King Hussein in War and Peace
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Motion in Parmenides, Plato and Plotinus
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Java extreme programming cookbook [electronic resource]
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The operators: Stanley McChrystal?s war in Afghanistan
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In other words [electronic resource]: a coursebook on translation
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The Routledge companion to the study of religion [electronic resource]
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TCP/IP embedded internet applications [electronic resource]
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A handbook for teaching and learning in higher education [electronic resource]: enhancing academic practice
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