Søk: 'Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing for Wireless Communications'
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing for Wireless Communications
ISBN 9781580538329 , 2005 , Allen Taflove, Susan Hagness
Wireless Communications
ISBN 9780521837163 , 2005 , Andrea Goldsmith
Wireless Communications & Networks
ISBN 9780131967908 , 1972 , William Stallings, A. Harris Stone, Dorian Brooks
Modulation and Coding: For Wireless Communications
ISBN 9780201398571 , 2000 , Alister Burr
RF Power Amplifiers for Wireless Communications
ISBN 9780890069899 , 1999 , Steve C. Cripps
Wireless communications: principles and practice
ISBN 9780130422323 , 2001 , Theodore S. Rappaport
Introduction to Space-time Wireless Communications
ISBN 9780521065931 , 2008 , Arogyaswami Paulraj, Rohit Nabar, Dhananjay Gore
Advances in Mobile and Wireless Communications: Views of the 16th IST Mobile and Wireless Communication Summit
ISBN 9783540790402 , 2008 , István Frigyes, János Bitó, Péter Bakki
Wireless Networks for Industrial Automation
ISBN 9780876640180 , 2013 , Dick Caro
Space-Time Wireless Systems: From Array Processing to MIMO Communications
ISBN 9780521851053 , 2006 , Helmut Bolcskei
Security in Fixed and Wireless Networks: An Introduction to Securing Data Communications
ISBN 9780470863701 , 2003 , Günter Schäfer
A Frequency Dictionary of Czech: Core Vocabulary for Learners
ISBN 9780415576628 , 2010
Auditory frequency selectivity
ISBN 9780306424625 , 1986 , Brian C. J. Moore,m.fl.
Stratification: Social Division And Inequality
ISBN 9780415281799 , 2004 , Wendy Bottero
Applications of broadband optical and wireless networks: APOC 2002 : Asia-Pacific Optical and Wireless Communications : 16-17 October, 2002, Shanghai, China
ISBN 9780819447012 , 2002 , Georgi Graschew, Theo A. Roelofs, Peter M. Schlag,m.fl.
Architecture-Independent Programming for Wireless Sensor Networks
ISBN 9780471778899 , 2008 , Viktor K. Prasanna, Amol B. Bakshi
A Primer for Integrated Marketing Communications
ISBN 9780415314213 , 2004 , Patrick De Pelsmacker, Philip J. Kitchen
A Frequency Dictionary of German: Core Vocabulary For Learners
ISBN 9780415316330 , 2006 , Randall L. Jones, Erwin P. Tschirner,m.fl.
Global Communications
ISBN 9780742540446 , 2007 , Yuezhi Zhao, Paula. Chakravartty
Mobile Communications
ISBN 9780321123817 , 2003 , Jochen H. Schiller
System Identification: A Frequency Domain Approach
ISBN 9780470640371 , 2012 , Rik Pintelon, Johan Schoukens
Android Wireless Application Development
ISBN 9780321743015 , 2010 , Shane Conder, Lauren Darcey
Minilessons for Early Multiplication and Division: A Yearlong Resource
ISBN 9780325010212 , 2008 , Catherine Twomey Fosnot, Willem Uittenbogaard
ISBN 9780582295780 , 1984 , Denis McQuail
Broadband Wireless Access
ISBN 9780792379553 , 2000 , Benny Bing
A Frequency Dictionary of German: Core Vocabulary For Learners
ISBN 9780415316323 , 2006 , Randall L. Jones, Erwin P. Tschirner,m.fl.
Broadband Access: Wireline and Wireless - Alternatives for Internet Services
ISBN 9780470741801 , 2014
Signal Processing for Mobile Communications Handbook
ISBN 9780849316579 , 2004 , Mohamed Ibnkahla
Essentials of Marketing Communications
ISBN 9780273738442 , 2011 , Chris Fill
Business Communications
ISBN 9780073317090 , 2006