Søk: 'Paleocurrents and basin analysis'
Paleocurrents and basin analysis
ISBN 9783540079521 , 1977 , Paul Edwin Potter, Francis John Pettijohn
Basin Analysis: Principles and Applications
ISBN 9780632052073 , 2004 , John R. Allen, Philip A. Allen
Geothermics in Basin Analysis
ISBN 9780306461255 , 1999 , Andrea Förster, Daniel Francis Merriam,m.fl.
Principles of Sedimentary Basin Analysis
ISBN 9783540657903 , 1999 , Andrew D. Miall
Principles of Sedimentary Basin Analysis
ISBN 9783540971191 , 1990 , Andrew D. Miall
Computerized basin analysis: the prognosis of energy and mineral resources
ISBN 9780306444999 , 1993 , Jan Harff, Daniel Francis Merriam
Basin modelling: practice and progress
ISBN 9781862390089 , 1998 , J.E. Iliffe, S. J. Duppenbecker
Basin Analysis in Petroleum Exploration: A Case Study from the Békés Basin, Hungary
ISBN 9780792330141 , 1994 , Paul G. Teleki, Robert E. Mattick, János Kókai
Advancing research on living and fossil cephalopods: development and evolution, form, construction, and function, taphonomy, palaeoecology, palaeobiogeography, biostratigraphy, and basin analysis
ISBN 9780306459382 , 1999 , Frederico Oloriz, Francisco J. Rodriguez-Tovar,m.fl.
An ethnoarchaeological analysis of human functional dynamics in the Volta basin of Ghana: before and after the Akosombo Dam
ISBN 9780773466777 , 2004 , E Kofi Agorsah
Business Analysis and Valuation: Text and Cases
ISBN 9781408056424 , 2013 , Erik Peek, Paul Healy
Production and Operations Analysis
ISBN 9780071263702 , 2008 , Steven Nahmias
Systems Analysis and Design
ISBN 9781118093740 , 2012 , Alan Dennis, Roberta M. Roth
Microeconomics: principles and analysis
ISBN 9780199267774 , 2006 , F.A. Cowell
Financial Statement Analysis and Security Valuation
ISBN 9780071326407 , 2012 , Stephen H. Penman
Financial Accounting, Reporting, and Analysis
ISBN 9780199606054 , 2013 , Jennifer Maynard
Crisis, Recovery and the Role of Accounting Firms in the Pacific Basin
ISBN 9781567203110 , 2002 , David L. McKee, Don E. Garner,m.fl.
Systems Analysis And Design
ISBN 9780471722571 , 2006 , Alan Dennis, Barbara Haley Wixom, Roberta M. Roth
Multilevel Analysis: Techniques and Applications
ISBN 9781848728462 , 2010 , Joop J. Hox
ISBN 9783838397603 , 2010 , Raghavan R, M. Gopikrishnan
Financial Reporting and Analysis
ISBN 9780071252492 , 2004
Design and Analysis of Experiments
ISBN 9781118097939 , 2012 , Douglas C. Montgomery
Cost-benefit Analysis: Concepts and Practice
ISBN 9780132311489 , 2011 , David H. Greenberg, Aidan Vining
Applied Behavior Analysis
ISBN 9781292023212 , 2013 , John O. Cooper, William L. Heward
Genetics: Analysis and Principles
ISBN 9780077229726 , 2008 , Robert J. Brooker
Systems Engineering and Analysis
ISBN 9780137148431 , 2008 , Benjamin S. Blanchard, W. J. (Wolter J.) Fabrycky
Paleolithic Site of Douara Cave and Paleogeography of Palmyra Basin in Syria, Part 3: Animal Bones and Further Analysis of Archeological Materials
ISBN 9780860083030 , 1986 , Kazuro Hanihara
Production and Operations Analysis
ISBN 9780072865387 , 2005 , Steven Nahmias
Modern Systems Analysis and Design
ISBN 9780201338416
Power System Analysis and Design
ISBN 9781111425777 , 2011 , Mulukutla S. Sarma, J. Duncan Glover,m.fl.