Søk: 'Perspectives on modern China: four anniversaries'
Perspectives on modern China: four anniversaries
ISBN 9780873328906 , 1991 , Kenneth Lieberthal, Joyce Kallgren,m.fl.
Perspectives on Modern China: Four Anniversaries
ISBN 9780873328142 , 1991 , Kenneth Lieberthal, Joyce Kallgren,m.fl.
On China
ISBN 9780141049427 , 2012 , Henry A. Kissinger
New Perspectives on State Socialism in China
ISBN 9780765600424 , 1999 , Tony Saich, Timonthy Cheek
New perspectives on state socialism in China
ISBN 9780765600417 , 1997 , Tony Saich, Timothy Cheek
On China
ISBN 9781846143465 , 2011 , Henry Kissinger
Kinship, Contract, Community, And State: Anthropological Perspectives On China
ISBN 9780804750677 , 2005 , Myron L. Cohen
Kinship, contract, community, and state: anthropological perspectives on China
ISBN 9780804750660 , 2005 , Myron L. Cohen
Perspectives on Personality
ISBN 9780205219681 , 2011 , Charles S. Carver
Perspectives on Personality
ISBN 9780205570874 , 2007 , Charles S. Carver, Michael F. Scheier
Perspectives on learning
ISBN 9780807744475 , 2004 , Jonas F. Soltis, D. Denis Charles Phillips
Perspectives on Personality
ISBN 9780205414239 , 2003 , Charles S. Carver, Michael F. Scheier
The Religious Question in Modern China
ISBN 9780226005331 , 2012 , Vincent Goossaert, David A. Palmer
The Religious Question in Modern China
ISBN 9780226304168 , 2011 , Vincent Goossaert, David A. Palmer
Perspectives on Learning
ISBN 9780807737033 , 1998 , D.C. Phillips, Jonas F. Soltis
Students' Perspectives on Schooling
ISBN 9780335223602 , 2008
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Hope
ISBN 9781594541667 , 2005 , Jaklin A. Eliott
Perspectives on American Politics
ISBN 9780618719150 , 2007 , Prof William Lasser
Banking Sector Liberalization in India: Evaluation of Reforms and Comparative Perspectives on China
ISBN 9783790819816 , 2007 , Christian Roland
Anthropological Perspectives on Kinship
ISBN 9780745309170 , 1996 , Ladislav Holý
Scandinavian perspectives on management consulting
ISBN 9788202234232 , 2005 , Steinar Bjartveit, Göran Roos
Closing an Era: Historical Perspectives on Modern Archives and Records Management
ISBN 9780313313318 , 2000
New Perspectives on Liberal Peacebuilding
ISBN 9789280811742 , 2009 , Roland Paris, Edward Newman, Oliver P. Richmond
African Perspectives on Governance
ISBN 9780865437197 , 2000 , Dele Olowu, Goran Hyden,m.fl.
Perspectives on American politics
ISBN 9780395961025 , 2000 , William Lasser
Anthropological perspectives on kinship
ISBN 9780745309187 , 1996 , Ladislav Holý
Organization Theory: Modern, Symbolic and Postmodern Perspectives
ISBN 9780199640379 , 2012 , Mary Jo Hatch
China on Screen: Cinema And Nation
ISBN 9780231137072 , 2006 , Chris Berry, Mary Ann Farquhar
Perspectives on Pedagogical Grammar
ISBN 9780521449908 , 1994 , Michael H. Long, Jack C. Richards, Terence Odlin
International Perspectives on Rural Homelessness
ISBN 9780415343725 , 2006 , Paul J. Cloke, Paul Milbourne