Søk: 'Political Economy and the Changing Global Order'
Political Economy and the Changing Global Order
ISBN 9780195419894 , 2005
Global Political Economy: Understanding the International Economic Order
ISBN 9780691086774 , 2001 , Robert Gilpin, Jean M. Gilpin
Global Political Economy
ISBN 9780199666010 , 2014 , John Ravenhill
Global Political Economy
ISBN 9780199570812 , 2011 , John Ravenhill
Global Political Economy: The study of Global Political Economy
ISBN 9780199265848 , 2005 , John Ravenhill
Global Political Economy
ISBN 9780199292035 , 2007 , John Ravenhill
China and the Global Political Economy
ISBN 9780230577930 , 2009 , Shaun Breslin
China and the Global Political Economy
ISBN 9781403986474 , 2007 , Timothy M. Shaw, Shaun Gerard Breslin
Analyzing the global political economy
ISBN 9780691139586 , 2008 , Andrew Walter, Gautam Sen
Analyzing the Global Political Economy
ISBN 9780691139593 , 2008 , Andrew Walter, Gautam Sen
Global Political Economy: Evolution and Dynamics
ISBN 9781137287373 , 2013 , Robert O'Brien, Marc Williams
International Political Economy: Interests and Institutions in the Global Economy
ISBN 9780205589807 , 2008 , Thomas H. Oatley
International Political Economy: Interests and Institutions in the Global Economy
ISBN 9780205730261 , 2010 , Thomas H. Oatley
International Political Economy: Interests and Institutions in the Global Economy
ISBN 9780205559916 , 2008 , Thomas H. Oatley
The Global Political Economy: Evolution and Dynamics
ISBN 9780333689622 , 2004 , Marc Williams, Robert O\'Brien
Global Political Economy: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780205075836 , 2011 , Theodore H. Cohn
Power in the Changing Global Order: The US, Russia and China
ISBN 9780745634722 , 2012 , Martin A. Smith
Global Political Economy: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780321269928 , 2005 , Theodore H. Cohn
International Political Economy: Interests and Institutions in the Global Economy
ISBN 9780205723775 , 2009 , Thomas H. Oatley
Global Political Economy: Evolution and Dynamics
ISBN 9780333689639 , 2004 , Robert O'Brien, Marc A. Williams
Global Shift: Mapping the Changing Contours of the World Economy
ISBN 9781446282106 , 2014 , Peter Dicken
Global Political Economy: International Edition
ISBN 9780205006229 , 2011 , Theodore H. Cohn
Global Shift: Mapping the Changing Contours of the World Economy
ISBN 9781849207676 , 2010 , Peter Dicken
Global Political Economy, 3rd Edition: Evolution and Dynamics
ISBN 9780230241213 , 2010 , 3. utgave , Robert O'Brien, Marc Williams
Global Shift: Mapping the Changing Contours of the World Economy
ISBN 9781849207669 , 2010 , Peter Dicken
American Empire and the Political Economy of Global Finance
ISBN 9780230236080 , 2008
Introduction to International Political Economy, Global Edition
ISBN 9781292059860 , 2014
Global Shift: Mapping the Changing Contours of the World Economy
ISBN 9781412929554 , 2007 , Peter Dicken
Changing organizations: business networks in the new political economy
ISBN 9780813334530 , 2000 , David Knoke
Global Political Economy, Second Edition: Evolution and Dynamics
ISBN 9780230006690 , 2007 , 2. utgave , Robert O'Brien, Marc Williams