Søk: 'Pope's Iliad: a selection with commentary'
Pope's Iliad: a selection with commentary
ISBN 9780862920494 , 2002 , Homer, Alexander Pope, Felicity Rosslyn
The Iliad
ISBN 9781904633389 , 2004 , Homer, Coco Stevenson
Galatians: a new translation with introduction and commentary
ISBN 9780300139853 , 2007 , J.Louis Martyn
The Iliad
ISBN 9781857150605 , 1992 , Homer, Robert Fitzgerald, Gregory Nagy
A commentary on Homer&s Odyssey. 3. Books XVII - XXIV
ISBN 9780198149538 , 1993 , Joseph Russo, Manuel Hernandez-Galiano,m.fl.
Iliad: Book one
ISBN 9780198721864 , 2000 , Homère, Simon Pulleyn
First Corinthians: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary
ISBN 9780300140446 , 2007
A Commentary on Herodotus
ISBN 9780198149569 , 2007 , David Asheri, Alan Lloyd, Aldo Corcella,m.fl.
Amos: a new translation with introduction and commentary
ISBN 9780385007733 , 1989 , Francis I. Andersen
A Selection of English Synonyms ...
ISBN 9781425514464 , 2006 , Elizabeth Jane] [Whately
A Commentary on Herodotus
ISBN 9780198721390 , 1990 , Joseph Wells, W. W. How
Early Modern Philosophy: Essential Readings with Commentary
ISBN 9781405135672 , 2006 , Aloysius Martinich, Fritz Allhoff,m.fl.
Early Modern Philosophy: Essential Readings with Commentary
ISBN 9781405135665 , 2006 , Aloysius Martinich, Fritz Allhoff,m.fl.
Simuleringsspillet BRIEFCASE A/S
ISBN 9788282472036 , 2015 , Pål Berthling-Hansen
Salisbury Plain: A Second Selection
ISBN 9780752410289 , 1997 , Peter Daniels, Rex Sawyer
A Better View for Gordon with Cassette(s)
ISBN 9780375815461 , 2002
Virgil, "Aeneid" 7: A Commentary
ISBN 9789004108424 , 1999 , Vergil
A Commentary on Herodotus: With Introduction and Appendices Volume I
ISBN 9780198143840 , 1989 , Joseph Wells, Walter W. How
The Iliad and the Odyssey
ISBN 9781861189677 , 2004 , Homer
Modern Applied Statistics with S
ISBN 9780387954578 , 2003 , William N. Venables
The Iliad and the Odyssey
ISBN 9781840221176 , 2000 , Homer, Tom Griffith, George Chapman, Jan Parker
Ethnography as Commentary
ISBN 9780822342830 , 2008 , Johannes Fabian
Aristotle, Rhetoric II: A Commentary
ISBN 9780823210497 , 1988 , William M. A. Grimaldi
A Commentary on Cicero "De Legibus"
ISBN 9780472113248 , 2004 , Marcus Tullius Cicero, Andrew Roy Dyck
Simuleringsspillet BRIEFCASE A/S
ISBN 9788270426522 , 2005 , Pål Berthling-Hansen, Espen Skaldehaug
Aristotle, Rhetoric I: A Commentary
ISBN 9780823210480 , 1980 , William M. A. Grimaldi
A Commentary on Herodotus "Book Six"
ISBN 9781853995866 , 2000 , Herodotus, E. I. McQueen
Automation Network Selection
ISBN 9781556178610 , 2004 , Dick Caro
The Collected Works of Lars Onsager (with Commentary)
ISBN 9789810225636 , 1996 , Lars Onsager, Per Christian Hemmer, Helge Holden,m.fl.
Bishop Thirlwall's History of Greece: A Selection
ISBN 9781904675297 , 2007 , Peter P. Liddel, Connop Thirlwall