Søk: 'Power Speed ENDURANCE: A Skill-Based Approach to Endurance Training'
Power Speed ENDURANCE: A Skill-Based Approach to Endurance Training
ISBN 9781936608614 , 2012 , Glen Cordoza, Brian MacKenzie
Endurance Riding: Tips for Beginners
ISBN 9783861279303 , 2002 , Cornelia Koller
Achieving Cultural Competency: A Case-Based Approach to Training Health Professionals
ISBN 9781405180726 , 2009 , Lisa Hark, Horace DeLisser, Gail Morrison
Africa: Endurance and Change South of the Sahara
ISBN 9780520078819 , 1992 , Catherine Coquery-Vidrovitch, David Maisel
Research Methods for Business: A Skill-Building Approach
ISBN 9781119942252 , 2013 , Uma Sekaran, Roger Bougie
Dynamics of Skill Acquisition: A Constraints-Led Approach
ISBN 9780736036863 , 2007 , Simon Bennett, Keith Davids
Stroke Rehabilitation: Guidelines for Exercise and Training to Optimize Motor Skill
ISBN 9780750647120 , 2002 , Roberta B. Shepherd, Janet H. Carr,m.fl.
Corporate Strategy: A Resource-Based Approach
ISBN 9780071111072 , 2005 , David J. Collis, Cynthia A. Montgomery
CBT for Psychosis: A Symptom-Based Approach
ISBN 9780415549479 , 2010 , Torkil Berge, Roger Hagen
Applied Business Ethics: A Skills-Based Approach
ISBN 9780538453981 , 2011 , Dean A Bredeson
The Glaucoma Book: A Practical, Evidence-Based Approach to Patient Care
ISBN 9780387766997 , 2010
Basic Telephone Training: A Basic Course in Telephone Language and Skill
ISBN 9780906717424 , 1992 , Anne Watson-Delestree
Doing Task-Based Teaching: A practical guide to task-based teaching for ELT training courses and practising teachers.
ISBN 9780194422109 , 2007 , Dave Willis, Jane Willis
Digital Signal Processing: A Computer Based Approach
ISBN 9780071255790 , 2005 , Sanjit Kumar Mitra
Digital Signal Processing: A Computer-Based Approach
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Practical Variable Speed Drives and Power Electronics
ISBN 9780750658089 , 2003 , Malcolm Barnes
Deep Survival: Who Lives, Who Dies, and Why : True Stories of Miraculous Endurance and Sudden Death
ISBN 9780393052763 , 2004 , Laurence Gonzales
Motor Learning and Performance: A Situation-based Learning Approach
ISBN 9780736069649 , 2008 , Craig A. Wrisberg, Richard Schmidt
Sound Propagation: An Impedance Based Approach
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The Grammar of Negation: A Constraint-Based Approach
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Pic Projects and Applications Using C: A Project-based Approach
ISBN 9780080971513 , 2013 , David W. Smith
Photoshop CS4: Up to Speed
ISBN 9780321580054 , 2008 , Ben Willmore
Developmental Reading Disabilities: A Language-Based Treatment Approach
ISBN 9781565930858 , 1995 , C.L. Goldsworthy
Power Management ICs - A Top-Down Design Approach
ISBN 9781411663596 , 2006 , Prof. Gabriel Alfonso Rincon-Mora Ph.D.
International Law and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: A Rights-based Approach to Middle East Peace
ISBN 9780415573238 , 2010 , Michael Lynk, Susan M. Akram, Iain Scobbie
Anatomy for Strength & Fitness Training for Speed and Sport. Leigh Brandon
ISBN 9781847735430 , 2009 , James Berrange, Leigh Brandon
Model-Based Development and Evolution of Information Systems: A Quality Approach
ISBN 9781447129356 , 2012 , John Krogstie
A Community-Based Approach to the Reduction of Sexual Offending: Circles of Support and Accountability
ISBN 9781849051989 , 2011 , Stephen Hanvey, Terry Philpot, Chris Wilson
Biology: A Global Approach
ISBN 9781292008653 , 2014 , Neil A. Campbell, Michael L. Cain,m.fl.
Endurance - The Development of the Individual Through Hardships in The Grapes of Wrath and The Old Man and the Sea
ISBN 9783639048094 , 2008 , Zsuzsanna Siklosi