Søk: 'Psychology in Diabetes Care'
Psychology in Diabetes Care
ISBN 9780470023846 , 2005 , Frank J. Snoek, T. Chas Skinner
ISBN 9788203228087 , 2003 , Azmina Govindji, David Murray, Jules Selmes
Decision Making in Health Care: Theory, Psychology, and Applications
ISBN 9780521541244 , 2003 , Gretchen B. Chapman, Frank A. Sonnenberg
Decision Making in Health Care: Theory, Psychology, and Applications
ISBN 9780521641593 , 2000 , Gretchen B. Chapman, Frank A. Sonnenberg
Psychology of Decision Making in Legal, Health Care and Science Settings
ISBN 9781600219320 , 2008 , Gloria R. Burthold
Diabetes Guide
ISBN 9783540544296 , 1992 , Klaus Johansen, Sam Dagogo-Jack
Adherence in Diabetes: Challenges, Negotiations and Dialogues
ISBN 9783838313740 , 2009 , Brynja Ingadottir
Psychology in Education
ISBN 9781408257500 , 2012 , Anita E. Woolfolk, Malcolm Hughes,m.fl.
Torres' Patient Care in Imaging Technology
ISBN 9781451115659 , 2012 , Lillian S. Torres, Andrea Guillen Dutton
Diabetes hos voksne
ISBN 9788205305021 , 2002 , Stein Vaaler, Ane Reppe
Supportive Care in Radiotherapy
ISBN 9780443064869 , 2003 , Sara Faithfull
Introducing Qualitative Research in Psychology
ISBN 9780335244492 , 2013 , Carla Willig
Work Psychology in Action
ISBN 9781137302304 , 2014 , Anna Sutton
Patient Care in Imaging Technology
ISBN 9780781771832 , 2010 , Lillian S. Torres, Andrea Guillen Dutton,m.fl.
Comprehending Care: Problems and Possibilities in the Ethics of Care
ISBN 9780739126165 , 2008 , Tove Pettersen
Physiotherapy in Respiratory and Cardiac Care
ISBN 9781408072837 , 2014 , Alexandra Hough
Crisis Management in Acute Care Settings: Human Factors, Team Psychology, and Patient Safety in a High Stakes Environment
ISBN 9783642196997 , 2011 , Michael St. Pierre, Cornelius Buerschaper,m.fl.
Management Accounting in Health Care Organizations
ISBN 9780470300213 , 2008
Psychology in Education
ISBN 9781405835411 , 2007 , Anita E. Woolfolk, Malcolm Hughes,m.fl.
Diabetes, Insulin and Alzheimer's Disease
ISBN 9783642042997 , 2010 , Suzanne Craft, Yves Christen
Casebook in Abnormal Psychology
ISBN 9780495604402 , 2010 , David Barlow, Timothy A. Brown
Psychology in Organizations
ISBN 9780761942313 , 2004 , S. Alexander Haslam
Clinical Psychology: Topics in Applied Psychology
ISBN 9780340928899 , 2008 , Graham C. Davey
Medical Ethics in Palliative Care
ISBN 9781856422192 , 2006 , David Edwards
Care Work in Crisis: Reclaiming the Nordic Ethos of Care
ISBN 9789144052533 , 2008 , Sirpa Wrede, Lea Henriksson
Clinical Procedures in Primary Eye Care
ISBN 9780750688963 , 2007
Advances in Sport Psychology
ISBN 9780736057356 , 2008 , Thelma Horn
Sociology in Nursing and Health Care
ISBN 9780443101557 , 2008
Introduction to Statistics in Psychology
ISBN 9781292000749 , 2013 , Dennis Howitt
Cancer Nursing: Care in Context
ISBN 9780632039982 , 2001 , Jessica Corner, Christopher Bailey