Søk: 'Real Time UML Workshop for Embedded Systems'
Real-Time UML Workshop for Embedded Systems
ISBN 9780124077812 , 2014 , Bruce Powel Douglass
Real Time UML Workshop for Embedded Systems
ISBN 9780750679060 , 2006 , Bruce Powel Douglass
Real Time UML: Advances in the UML for Real-time Systems
ISBN 9780321160768 , 2004 , Bruce Powel Douglass
Real-Time Systems
ISBN 9780071142434 , 1997 , C. M. Krishna, Kang G. Shin
Software Engineering for Real-time Systems
ISBN 9780201596205 , 2002 , J. E. Cooling
Real-Time Systems and Programming Languages: Ada, Real-Time Java and C/Real-Time POSIX
ISBN 9780321417459 , 2009 , Andrew J. Wellings, Andy Wellings,m.fl.
Real-time Systems and Their Programming Languages: Ada 95, Real-time Java and Real-time POSIX
ISBN 9780201729887 , 2001 , Alan Burns, Andy Wellings
Real-time Rendering
ISBN 9781568814247 , 2008 , T. Akenine Moller, Naty Hoffman
Embedded Systems Design
ISBN 9780750655460 , 2002 , Steve Heath
Real-time Rendering
ISBN 9781568811826 , 2002 , Tomas Akenine-Moller, Eric Haines
Fuzzy Logic for Embedded Systems Applications
ISBN 9780750676052 , 2004 , Ahmad M. Ibrahim
Active and real-time database systems (ARTDB-95): proceedings of the First International Workshop on Active and Real-Time Database Systems : Skovde, Sweden, 9-11 June 1995
ISBN 9783540199830 , 1995 , Jorgen Hansson, Mikael Berndtsson
Making Embedded Systems: Design Patterns for Great Software
ISBN 9781449302146 , 2011 , Elecia White
Hrt-Hood: A Structured Design Method for Hard Real-Time Ada Systems
ISBN 9780444821645 , 1995 , Alan Burns, Andrew J. Wellings
Design guidelines for a monitoring environment concerning distributed real-time systems: as means for achieving dependability control through dynamic adaption of distributed real-time target systems under operation
ISBN 9788251919319 , 2004 , Aida Omerovic
Engineering real-time systems: an object-oriented methodology using SDL
ISBN 9780130344489 , 1993 , Rolv Bræk, Œystein Haugen
Arithmetic built-in self-test for embedded systems
ISBN 9780137564385 , 1998
Active, Real-Time, and Temporal Database Systems: Second International Workshop, ARTDB'97, Como, Italy, September 8-9, 1997, Proceedings
ISBN 9783540656494 , 1999 , Sten F. Andler, Jeorgen Hansson
Designing Embedded Systems with PIC Microcontrollers
ISBN 9781856177504 , 2009 , Tim Wilmshurst
Kalman Filtering: With Real-Time Applications
ISBN 9783540878483 , 2008 , Guanrong Chen, Charles K. Chui
Kalman Filtering: with Real-Time Applications
ISBN 9783642099663 , 2010 , Guanrong Chen, Charles K. Chui
The 8051 microcontroller and embedded systems
ISBN 9780138610227 , 2000 , Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Janice M. Mazidi,m.fl.
Discrete Time Control Systems
ISBN 9788177581713 , 2006 , Katsuhiko Ogata
Specification and Design of Embedded Systems
ISBN 9780131507319 , 1994 , Daniel D. Gajski, Frank Vahid, Sanjiv Narayan
Pic Microcontroller And Embedded Systems: Using Assembly and C for Pic18
ISBN 9780131194045 , 2006 , Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Danny Causey,m.fl.
Concurrent and Real-time Programming in Ada
ISBN 9780521866972 , 2007 , Alan Burns, Andrew J. Wellings, Andy Wellings
Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems - CHES 2007: 9th International Workshop, Vienna, Austria, September 10-13, 2007, Proceedings
ISBN 9783540747345 , 2007 , Pascal Paillier, Ingrid Verbauwhede
Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems - CHES 2006: 8th International Workshop, Yokohama, Japan, October 10-13, 2006, Proceedings
ISBN 9783540465591 , 2006 , Louis Goubin, Mitsuru Matsui
Concurrent and Real-Time Programming in Java
ISBN 9780470844373 , 2004 , Andrew Wellings
Hardware/Firmware Interface Design: Best Practices for Improving Embedded Systems Development
ISBN 9781856176057 , 2009 , Gary Stringham