Søk: 'Relationship Marketing: Exploring Relational Strategies in Marketing'
Relationship Marketing: Exploring Relational Strategies in Marketing
ISBN 9780273713197 , 2008 , John Egan
Relationship Marketing
ISBN 9780750648394 , 2002 , Martin Christopher, Adrian Payne,m.fl.
Exploring Direct and Customer Relationship Marketing
ISBN 9781861529015 , 2004 , Martin J. Evans, Lisa O'Malley,m.fl.
Total Relationship Marketing
ISBN 9780750686334 , 2008
Total Relationship Marketing
ISBN 9780750654074 , 2002
Strategic Relationship Marketing
ISBN 9788759308400 , 2002 , Mogens Bjerre, Søren Hougaard
Relationship Marketing and Customer Relationship Management
ISBN 9781485102649 , 2014 , Annekie Brink, Adele Berndt
Relationship Marketing and Customer Relationship Management
ISBN 9780702177392 , 2009 , Annekie Brink, Adele Berndt
Relationship Marketing and Customer Relationship Management
ISBN 9780702186875 , 2011 , Adele Berndt
ISBN 9780618159499 , 2003
Marketing Management: A Relationship Approach
ISBN 9780273706830 , 2010 , Svend Hollensen
Marketing Management: A Relationship Approach
ISBN 9780273643784 , 2003 , Svend Hollensen
Pricing Strategies: A Marketing Approach
ISBN 9781412964746 , 2011 , Robert M. Schindler
Guanxi: Relationship Marketing in a Chinese Context
ISBN 9780789012906 , 2001 , Y. H. Wong, Thomas K. P. Leung
Relationship Marketing: Text and Cases
ISBN 9780750636261 , 1999 , Martin Christopher, Adrian Payne, Moira Clark,m.fl.
Marketing Management: A Relationship Approach with Marketing in Practice Case Studies Dvd
ISBN 9781405810197 , 2004 , Svend Hollensen
Successful E-mail Marketing Strategies
ISBN 9781933199160 , 2009 , Middleton Highes, Arthur Sweeter
Marketing Strategies: A Contemporary Approach
ISBN 9780273706748 , 2007 , Calin Gurau
Value-based Marketing: Marketing Strategies for Corporate Growth and Shareholder Value
ISBN 9780470773147 , 2008 , Peter Doyle
Marketing Management
ISBN 9780273743613 , 2012 , Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller
Marketing communications: from fundamentals to strategies
ISBN 9780669072105 , 1987 , Michael L. Rothschild
ISBN 9780199290437 , 2008 , Chris Fill Paul Baines, Kelly Page
Marketing Communications in Tourism and Hospitality: Concepts, Strategies and Cases
ISBN 9780750682770 , 2008
Business to Business Marketing: Relationships, Networks and Strategies
ISBN 9780199551682 , 2010 , Nick Ellis
Marketing Management
ISBN 9780131357976 , 2008 , Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller
ISBN 9781741031591 , 2003 , Gary Armstrong, Stewart Adam
Entrepreneurial Marketing: Real Stories and Survival Strategies
ISBN 9780324158632 , 2003 , Bruce D. Buskirk, Molly Lavik
Marketing in the Groundswell
ISBN 9781422129807 , 2009 , Josh Bernoff, Charlene Li
Marketing Management in China
ISBN 9789810679972 , 2008 , Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller
ISBN 9781292000411 , 2013 , Judy Strauss, Raymond Frost