Søk: 'Sámi stories: art and identity of an artic people'
Sámi stories: art and identity of an artic people
ISBN 9788281042384 , 2014 , Charis Gullickson, Sandra Lorentzen
Stories of Art
ISBN 9780415939430 , 2002 , James Elkins
The Swahili: Idiom and Identity of an African People
ISBN 9780865433113 , 1994 , Alamin M. Mazrui, Ibrahim Noor Shariff
Sámi kulturoahppu
ISBN 9788241201981 , 1999 , Bård A. Berg, Trude Arntsenun, Gry Forsain,m.fl.
Stories of Art
ISBN 9780415939423 , 2002 , James Elkins
Sámi-dáru-Sámi Sátnegirji: Samisk-Norsk-Samisk ordbok
ISBN 9788273745453 , 2003 , Davvi Girji
Sámi skuvla vai "Norsk standard"?: Norgga skuvlaodastusat ja sámi oahpahus
ISBN 9788273741578 , 2003 , Svein Lund
The Sámi Peoples of the North: A Social and Cultural History
ISBN 9781849042574 , 2014 , Neil Kent
Biejjien Baernie: Sámi Son of the Sun
ISBN 9788273745392 , 2003 , Harald Gaskí
Svalbard: Artic Land
ISBN 9788245805963 , 2003 , Pål Hermansen
Language and Identity: An introduction
ISBN 9780521873819 , 2009 , John Edwards
Riimiin rámiin: sámi nuoraidantologija
ISBN 9788291973036 , 2003 , Sigbjørn Skåden, Beatrice Fløystad,m.fl.
Sámi dáidda- ja kulturhistorjá
ISBN 9788241202773 , 2002 , Frode Tveterås, Regnor Jernsletten,m.fl.
Sámi - dáru sátnegirji: Samisk - norsk ordbok
ISBN 9788273741493 , 2003 , Johan Jernsletten, Aage Solbakk, Brita Kåven,m.fl.
Art From Stories, Poems And Songs
ISBN 9780713649062 , 1999 , Dorothy Tipton, Ann Malpass
Nursing Stories: Ordinary People, Extraordinary Journey
ISBN 9781441531520 , 2009 , Pedus C. Eweama
Dáru-sámi pedagogalaš-psykologalaš sátnegirji: Norsk-samisk ...
ISBN 9788273746146 , 2006 , Hans Petter Boyne, Arnulf Soleng
Abraham's Children: Race, Identity, and the DNA of the Chosen People
ISBN 9780446580632 , 2008 , Jon Entine
Nursing Stories: Ordinary People, Extraordinary Journey
ISBN 9781441531537 , 2009 , Pedus C. Eweama
Appropriation as Practice: Art and Identity in Argentina
ISBN 9781403973146 , 2007 , Arnd Schneider
Media, gender and identity: an introduction
ISBN 9780415396608 , 2008 , David Gauntlett
Film Art: An Introduction
ISBN 9780071318310 , 2012 , David Bordwell
Lottit luonddus: oahpa dovdat Sámi lottiid
ISBN 9788273743480 , 1997 , Esko Aikio, Jouni Aikio, Anja Vest-Aikio
Media, Gender, and Identity: An Introduction
ISBN 9780415189606 , 2002 , David Gauntlett
Principles of Radiographic Imaging: An Art and A Science, 5th ed.: An Art and a Science
ISBN 9781439058725 , 2012 , 5. utgave , Richard R. Carlton, Arlene McKenna Adler
An Introduction to Sociolinguistics: Society and Identity
ISBN 9781441100283 , 2011 , Sharon K. Deckert, Caroline H. Vickers
Mearragáttis duoddarii: sámi borramuš institušuvnnas
ISBN 9788273745828 , 2005
Beyond Wilderness: The Group of Seven, Canadian Identity, and Contemporary Art
ISBN 9780773532441 , 2007
Complexity, Difference and Identity: An Ethical Perspective
ISBN 9789048191864 , 2010
Film Art: An Introduction
ISBN 9780073386164 , 2010 , David Bordwell