Søk: 'Scenographic Architecture and the Venetian Baroque'
Scenographic Architecture and the Venetian Baroque
ISBN 9780030782206 , 1963 , Rudolf Wittkower
Baroque and Rococo Architecture
ISBN 9780807603338 , 1982 , Henry A. Millon
Baroque Architecture 1600-1750
ISBN 9782080300621 , 2008 , Frédérique Lemerle, Yves Pauwels
Italian Baroque and Rococo Architecture
ISBN 9780195035483 , 1986 , John Varriano
Pietro Da Cortona and Roman Baroque Architecture
ISBN 9780300111231 , 2008 , Anthony Blunt, Jörg Martin Merz,m.fl.
Baroque Baroque
ISBN 9780714838601 , 2000 , Stephen Calloway
Art and architecture in Italy, 1600-1750: The high Baroque, 1625-1675
ISBN 9780300079401 , 1999 , Rudolf Wittkower, John Pinto, Joseph Connors,m.fl.
Art and Architecture in Italy, 1600-1750: The late Baroque, 1675-1750
ISBN 9780300079418 , 1999 , Rudolf Wittkower, John Pinto, Joseph Connors,m.fl.
A Venetian reckoning
ISBN 9780330344166 , 1996 , Donna Leon
Baroque and Rococo
ISBN 9780810941083 , 1999 , Vernon Hyde Minor
Roman Baroque
ISBN 9780952998624 , 2004 , Anthony Blunt
Baroque and Rococo
ISBN 9780500200186 , 1964 , Germain Bazin
Art and architecture in Italy 1600 - 1750. 3. Late Baroque and Rococo, 1675 - 1750
ISBN 9780300078893 , 1999 , 4. utgave , Rudolf Wittkower, John Pinto, Joseph Connors,m.fl.
ISBN 9780064300773 , 1977 , John Rupert Martin
French Baroque and Rococo Fashions
ISBN 9780486423838 , 2003 , Tom Tierney
Baroque India: the neo-Roman religious architecture of South Asia : a global stylistic survey
ISBN 9788173051616 , 2002 , Jose Pereira
Art and Architecture in Italy, 1600-1750: Volume 3: Late Baroque and Rococo, 1675-1750
ISBN 9780300080018 , 1999 , Rudolf Wittkower
The Confusion.: The Baroque Cycle 2.
ISBN 9780434012381 , 2004 , Neal Stephenson
The Death of the Baroque and the Rhetoric of Good Taste
ISBN 9780521843416 , 2005 , Vernon Hyde Minor
Quicksilver Quicksilver: Volume One of the Baroque Cycle Volume One of the Baroque Cycle
ISBN 9780380977420 , 2003 , Neal Stephenson
Music In Western Civilization: The Baroque And Classical Eras
ISBN 9780495029991 , 2005 , Timothy J. Roden, Bryan R. Simms, Craig Wright
Music In Western Civilization: The Baroque And Classical Eras
ISBN 9780495008811 , 2005 , Timothy J. Roden, Bryan R. Simms, Craig Wright
Islam: Art and Architecture
ISBN 9783833160028 , 2010 , Markus Hattstein, Peter Delius
Digital Design and Computer Architecture
ISBN 9780123944245 , 2012 , David Money Harris, Sarah L. Harris
Key Monuments of Baroque and Rococo
ISBN 9780813334301 , 1999 , Laurie Adams
Architecture on Architecture
ISBN 9781580931847 , 2007 , Platt Byard Dovell White
The Structural Basis of Architecture
ISBN 9780415415477 , 2011 , Bjorn N. Sandaker, Mark R. Cruvellier
The Architecture of Language
ISBN 9780195684469 , 2006 , Chomsky, Bibudhendra Narayan Patnaik,m.fl.
Seventeenth Century Art and Architecture
ISBN 9780136033721 , 2007 , Ann Sutherland Harris
Seventeenth-Century Art and Architecture
ISBN 9781856695541 , 2008 , Ann Sutherland Harris