Søk: 'Statistical Mechanics'
Statistical Mechanics
ISBN 9780750624695 , 1996 , R. K. Pathria, Paul D. Beale
Introduction to statistical mechanics
ISBN 9788232101054 , 2012 , Jens Oluf Andersen
Elements of Statistical Mechanics
ISBN 9780521841986 , 2006 , Ivo Sachs, Siddhartha Sen,m.fl.
Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
ISBN 9780387942995 , 2000 , Walter Greiner, L Neise, Horst Stocker,m.fl.
Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
ISBN 9780854046324 , 2002 , J.M. Seddon, J.D. Gale, A. G. Davies,m.fl.
Statistical Mechanics of Solids
ISBN 9780195119657 , 2000 , L.A. Girifalco
A Brief Introduction to Classical, Statistical, and Quantum Mechanics
ISBN 9780821842324 , 2006 , Oliver Bühler
Statistical Inference
ISBN 9780495391876 , 2008 , George Casella, Roger Berger
Classical Mechanics
ISBN 9781292026558 , 2013
Statistical Inference
ISBN 9780534243128 , 2001 , Roger L. Berger, George Casella
Fluid Mechanics
ISBN 9780070700345 , 2010 , Yunus A. Cengel
Statistical Machine Translation
ISBN 9780521874151 , 2009 , Philipp Koehn
Mechanics For Engineers: Statics
ISBN 9789810692605 , 2012 , Russell C. Hibbeler
Engineering Mechanics
ISBN 9781118164990 , 2012 , L. G. Kraige, James L. Meriam
Fluid Mechanics
ISBN 9781118026410 , 2011 , Robert W. Fox, Philip J. Pritchard
Statistical Methods for Psychology
ISBN 9780495597858 , 2009 , David C. Howell
Statistical Methods for Psychology. David Howell
ISBN 9781111840853 , 2012 , David C. Howell
Elements of Statistical Mechanics: With an Introduction to Quantum Field Theory and Numerical Simulation
ISBN 9780521143646 , 2010 , Ivo Sachs, Siddhartha Sen, James Sexton
Probability and Statistical Inference
ISBN 9781292024783 , 2013 , Robert V. Hogg
Statistical Thermodynamics
ISBN 9780198559115 , 1998 , Andrew Maczek
Fluid Mechanics
ISBN 9780071286459 , 2008 , Frank M. White
Fluid Mechanics
ISBN 9780072938449 , 2008 , Frank M. White
Fluid Mechanics
ISBN 9780071270380 , 2006 , Frank M. White
Engineering Mechanics Statics SI
ISBN 9789810681340 , 2010 , Russell C. Hibbeler
Fluid Mechanics
ISBN 9780123821003 , 2011 , Pijush K. Kundu, David R. Dowling
Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences
ISBN 9781292021669 , 2013
ISBN 9789810694364
Fluid Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications
ISBN 9781259011221 , 2013 , Yunus A. Cengel, John M. Cimbala
Statistical Methods for Psychology
ISBN 9780495012870 , 2006 , David C. Howell
Statistical Physics
ISBN 9780471915331 , 1988 , Franz Mandl