Søk: 'Stretching'
ISBN 9788278227541 , 2008 , Dorthe Erichsen, Faye Rowe, Ian Parsons
Stretching Scientifically: A Guide to Flexibility Training
ISBN 9780940149298 , 1994 , Thomas Kurz
Ultimate Flexibility: A Complete Guide to Stretching for Martial Arts
ISBN 9781880336830 , 2004 , Sang H. Kim
Stretching the imagination: representation and transformation in mental imagery
ISBN 9780195099485 , 1996 , Geir Kaufmann, Cesare Cornoldi, Robert H. Logie,m.fl.
The Muscle and Bone Palpation Manual: With Trigger Points, Referral Patterns, and Stretching
ISBN 9780323051712 , 2008 , Joseph E. Muscolino