Søk: 'Structure in Fives: Designing Effective Organizations'
Structure in Fives: Designing Effective Organizations
ISBN 9780138541910 , 1983 , Henry Mintzberg
Leadership in Organizations
ISBN 9780273765660 , 2012 , Gary A. Yukl
Designing Interfaces: Patterns for Effective Interaction Design
ISBN 9780596008031 , 2005 , Jenifer Tidwell
Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction
ISBN 9780321601483 , 2009 , 5. utgave , Ben Shneiderman, Catherine Plaisant,m.fl.
Leadership in Organizations
ISBN 9780132771863 , 2012 , Gary A. Yukl
Learning in organizations
ISBN 9788202261726 , 2007 , Cathrine Filstad, Gunnhild Blåka
Leadership in Organizations
ISBN 9780132424318 , 2009 , Gary A. Yukl
Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction
ISBN 9780321537355 , 2009 , Ben Shneiderman, Catherine Plaisant,m.fl.
Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction
ISBN 9780321197863 , 2005 , Ben Shneiderman, Catherine Plaisant
Binding and Managing Effective Physician Organizations under Capitation
ISBN 9780834208094 , 1996
Leadership in Organizations
ISBN 9780131494848 , 2006 , Gary A. Yukl
Behavior in Organizations
ISBN 9780136090199 , 2010 , Robert A. Baron
Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction
ISBN 9780321269782 , 2005 , Ben Shneiderman, Catherine Plaisant
Psychology in Organizations
ISBN 9780761942313 , 2004 , S. Alexander Haslam
Effective Leadership in Nigeria
ISBN 9781468506785 , 2011 , Dr. Onyema G. Nkwocha
Leadership in Organizations
ISBN 9780138142681 , 2007 , Gary A. Yukl
Emotion in Organizations
ISBN 9780761966258 , 2000 , Stephen Fineman
Leadership in Organizations
ISBN 9780130647504 , 2002 , Gary A. Yukl
Ethnography in Organizations
ISBN 9780803943797 , 1993 , Helen B. Schwartzman
Sensemaking in Organizations
ISBN 9780803971776 , 1995
Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction
ISBN 9780321223258 , 1998 , Ben Shneiderman
Behavior in Organizations: Global Edition
ISBN 9781408264300 , 2010 , Robert A. Baron
Designing the user interface: strategies for effective human-computer-interaction
ISBN 9780201694970 , 1998 , Ben Shneiderman
Ethnography in organizations
ISBN 9780803943780 , 1993 , Helen B. Schwartzman
Effective Leadership in Adventure Programming
ISBN 9780736052504 , 2005 , Simon Priest Michael A. Gass, Michael A. Gass
Excellent public relations and effective organizations: a study of communication management in three countries
ISBN 9780805818178 , 2002 , James E. Grunig, David M. Dozier,m.fl.
Excellent public relations and effective organizations: a study of communication management in three countries
ISBN 9780805818185 , 2002 , James E. Grunig, David M. Dozier,m.fl.
Leadership in Organizations: International Edition
ISBN 9780138157142 , 2010 , Gary A. Yukl
Charismatic Leadership in Organizations
ISBN 9780761916345 , 1998 , Jay A. Conger, Rabindra N. Kanungo
Knowledge sharing in organizations
ISBN 9788279351344 , 2003 , Thomas Kalling, Alexander Styhre