Søk: 'Supreme Command: Soldiers, Statesmen, and Leadership in Wartime'
Supreme Command: Soldiers, Statesmen, and Leadership in Wartime
ISBN 9780743240048 , 2003 , Eliot A. Cohen
Reporting War: Journalism in Wartime
ISBN 9780415339988 , 2004 , Stuart Allan, Barbie Zelizer
Leadership in Organizations
ISBN 9780273765660 , 2012 , Gary A. Yukl
Software Takes Command
ISBN 9781623567453 , 2013 , Lev Manovich
Political Foundations of Judicial Supremacy: The Presidency, the Supreme Court, and Constitutional Leadership in U.S. History
ISBN 9780691141022 , 2009 , Keith E. Whittington
Political Foundations of Judicial Supremacy: The Presidency, the Supreme Court, and Constitutional Leadership in U.S. History
ISBN 9781400827756 , 2009 , Keith E. Whittington
Diplomats at war: British and commonwealth diplomacy in wartime
ISBN 9789004168978 , 2008 , Christopher Baxter, Andrew Stewart
Leadership in Organizations
ISBN 9780132771863 , 2012 , Gary A. Yukl
Soldiers of Salamis
ISBN 9780747568230 , 2004 , Javier Cercas, Anne McLean
Child Soldiers in the Age of Fractured States
ISBN 9780822960294 , 2010 , Scott Gates, Simon Reich
Leadership in Organizations
ISBN 9780132424318 , 2009 , Gary A. Yukl
Leadership in Organizations
ISBN 9780131494848 , 2006 , Gary A. Yukl
The Mauritius command
ISBN 9780006499183 , 2002 , Patrick O'Brian
Leadership in Organizations
ISBN 9780138142681 , 2007 , Gary A. Yukl
Leadership: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9781452203409 , 2012 , Peter G. Northouse
Leadership in Organizations
ISBN 9780130647504 , 2002 , Gary A. Yukl
Working Together in Theatre: Collaboration and Leadership
ISBN 9780230239821 , 2010 , Robert Cohen
The Theory and Practice of Command and Control in Environmental Policy
ISBN 9780754622338 , 2003 , Peter Berck
Into the Storm: A Study in Command
ISBN 9780399142369 , 1997 , Tom Clancy, Fred Franks
Effective Leadership in Nigeria
ISBN 9781468506785 , 2011 , Dr. Onyema G. Nkwocha
Presidential Power in Action: Implementing Supreme Court Detainee Decisions
ISBN 9780230603691 , 2008 , Darren A. Wheeler
Command And Control In The Information Age: Representing Its Impact
ISBN 9780117729841 , 2002
Presidential Leadership in Political Time: Reprise and Reappraisal
ISBN 9780700617623 , 2011
Soldiers and Sherpas: A Taste for Adventure
ISBN 9780954155100 , 2001 , Brummie Stokes, J.H. Stokes
Leadership in Organizations: International Edition
ISBN 9780138157142 , 2010 , Gary A. Yukl
Organizational Culture and Leadership
ISBN 9780470190609 , 2010 , Edgar H. Schein
Charismatic Leadership in Organizations
ISBN 9780761916345 , 1998 , Jay A. Conger, Rabindra N. Kanungo
Leadership : theory and practice
ISBN 9781506311166 , 2015 , Peter Guy Northouse
Organizational Culture and Leadership
ISBN 9780470185865 , 2010 , Edgar H. Schein
In the Company of Soldiers: A Chronicle of Combat in Iraq
ISBN 9780316727334 , 2004 , Rick Atkinson