Søk: 'The Imitative Mind: Development, Evolution and Brain Bases'
The Imitative Mind: Development, Evolution and Brain Bases
ISBN 9780521806855 , 2002 , Andrew N. Meltzoff, Paul Harris,m.fl.
The Evolution of Brain and Behaviour
ISBN 9789780815349 , 2010 , Taylor & Francis Group
Brain, Mind and Behavior
ISBN 9780716751847 , 2006 , Floyd E. Bloom, Arlyne Lazerson, Charles Nelson
Brain, Mind and Medicine
ISBN 9780387709666 , 2007 , Harry A. Whitaker, Christopher Upham Murray Smith,m.fl.
Exploring the Mind-Brain Connection
ISBN 9781436333528 , 2008 , Jorge M.D. Angel
Exploring the Mind-Brain Connection
ISBN 9781436333535 , 2008 , Jorge M.D. Angel
Congnitive Psychology: Mind And Brain
ISBN 9780131825086 , 2006
The Accidental Mind: How Brain Evolution Has Given Us Love, Memory, Dreams, and God
ISBN 9780674024786 , 2007
Cognitive Development: The Learning Brain
ISBN 9781841695310 , 2011 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
The Psychological Science: The Mind, Brain, and Behavior
ISBN 9780393975871 , 2003 , Todd F. Heatherton
Mind myths: exploring popular assumptions about the mind and brain
ISBN 9780471983033 , 1999 , Sergio Della Sala
Brain, Mind, and Behavior Study Guide
ISBN 9780716728023 , 2000 , Floyd E. Bloom, Arlyne Lazerson, Joyce Norman,m.fl.
Brain, Mind and Behavior. Mit CD.
ISBN 9780716723899 , 2001 , Floyd E. Bloom, Charles Alexander Nelson,m.fl.
An Odyssey Through the Brain, Behavior and the Mind
ISBN 9781402073458 , 2002 , C. H. Vanderwolf
The biology of mind: origins and structures of mind, brain, and consciousness
ISBN 9781891786075 , 1999 , M. Deric Bownds
Cognitive Science: An Introduction to the Mind And Brain
ISBN 9780415221016 , 2006
Cognitive Psychology: Pearson New International Edition: Mind and Brain
ISBN 9781292022352 , 2013 , Stephen M. Kosslyn
Reading in the Brain: The Science and Evolution of a Human Invention
ISBN 9780670021109 , 2009
Eye Movements: A Window on Mind and Brain
ISBN 9780080449807 , 2007 , Roger P. G. Van Gompel
Baboon Metaphysics: The Evolution of a Social Mind
ISBN 9780226102443 , 2008 , Dorothy L. Cheney, Robert M. Seyfarth
Foundations of Language: Brain, Meaning, Grammar, Evolution
ISBN 9780199264377 , 2003 , Ray Jackendoff
Phantoms in the Brain: Human Nature And the Architecture of the Mind
ISBN 9781857028959 , 1999 , Oliver Sacks, V. S. Ramachandran,m.fl.
Brain, Mind and Medicine:: Essays in Eighteenth-Century Neuroscience
ISBN 9781441943682 , 2010 , Harry A. Whitaker, Stanley Finger,m.fl.
Inhibition: History and Meaning in the Sciences of Mind and Brain
ISBN 9780520075801 , 1992 , Roger Smith
Mind Wide Open: Your Brain and the Neuroscience of Everyday Life
ISBN 9780743241656 , 2004 , Steven Johnson
The Symbolic Species - the Co-Evolution of Language & the Brain (Paper)
ISBN 9780393317541 , 1998 , TW Deacon
Animal Behaviour: Mechanism, Development, Function, and Evolution
ISBN 9780130899361 , 2003 , Chris Barnard
Study Guide [for] Psychological Science: Mind, Brain, and Behavior
ISBN 9780393979541 , 2003 , Todd F. Heatherton, Brett Lynn Beck,m.fl.
Studies of mind and brain: neural principles of learning, perception, development, cognition, and motor control
ISBN 9789027713599 , 1982 , S.T. Grossberg
Cognitive Biology: Evolutionary and Developmental Perspectives on Mind, Brain and Behavior
ISBN 9780262012935 , 2009