Søk: 'The Importance of Being Earnest: Authoritative Text, Backgrounds, Criticism'
The Importance of Being Earnest: Authoritative Text, Backgrounds, Criticism
ISBN 9780393927535 , 2006 , Oscar Wilde
The Importance of Being Earnest
ISBN 9781406822496 , 2007 , Oscar Wilde
The Importance of Being Earnest
ISBN 9780140623451 , 2007 , Oscar Wilde
Middlemarch: An Authoritative Text, Backgrounds, Criticism
ISBN 9780393974522 , 2000 , George Eliot
The Importance of Being Earnest
ISBN 9780435233037 , 1994 , Oscar Wilde
The Importance of Being Earnest
ISBN 9780713630404 , 1988 , Wilde Oscar
Oroonoko: An Authoritative Text, Historical Backgrounds, Criticism
ISBN 9780393970142 , 1997 , Aphra Behn
CliffsNotes on The Importance of Being Earnest
ISBN 9780764568107 , 2004
The house of mirth : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
ISBN 9780393959017 , 1990 , Edith Wharton
Heart of Darkness: An Authoritative Text, Backgrounds and Contexts, Criticism
ISBN 9780393926361 , 2006 , Joseph Conrad, Paul B. Armstrong
Persuasion: An Authoritative Text, Backgrounds and Contexts, Criticism
ISBN 9780393960181 , 1995 , Jane Austen
"The Importance of Being Earnest", Oscar Wilde: Notes
ISBN 9781405801737 , 2005 , Oscar Wilde, Ruth Robbins
CliffsNotes on Wilde's "The Importance of Being Earnest"
ISBN 9780764544613 , 2003
Heart of Darkness: An Authoritative Text, Backgrounds and Sources, Criticism
ISBN 9780393955521 , 1988 , Joseph Conrad, Robert Kimbrough
The Importance of Being Earnest and Other Plays: Lady Windermere's Fan; Salome; A Woman of No Importance; An Ideal Husband; The Importance of Being Earnest
ISBN 9780199535972 , 2008 , Oscar Wilde, Peter Raby
Pride and Prejudice: An Authoritative Text, Backgrounds and Sources, Criticism
ISBN 9780393976045 , 2000 , Jane Austen
Importance of Being Earnest: One Act Adaptation
ISBN 9780886800901 , 1965 , Oscar Wilde, I.E. Clark
In Memoriam: Authoritative Text : Criticism
ISBN 9780393979268 , 2003 , Tennyson Lord Alfred
Emma: An Authoritative Text, Contexts, Criticism
ISBN 9780393927641 , 2011 , Jane Austen, George Justice,m.fl.
The Age of Innocence: Authoritative Text, Contexts, Criticism
ISBN 9780393967944 , 2001 , Edith Wharton
Comic Effects in The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde
ISBN 9783638756242 , 2007
Richard III: Authoritative Text, Contexts, Criticism
ISBN 9780393929591 , 2009 , William Shakespeare
The Turn of the Screw: Authoritative Text, Contexts, Criticism
ISBN 9780393959048 , 1999 , Deborah Esch, Jonathan Warren, James Henry
The Canterbury Tales: Fifteen Tales and the General Prologue : Authoritative Text, Sources and Backgrounds, Criticism
ISBN 9780393925876 , 2005 , Geoffrey Chaucer
Mansfield Park: Authoritative Text, Contexts, Criticism
ISBN 9780393967913 , 1998 , Jane Austen
The Importance of Being Earnest, or, a Trivial Novel for Serious People
ISBN 9781425002855 , 2006 , Oscar Wilde
Sense and Sensibility: Authoritative Text, Contexts, Criticism
ISBN 9780393977516 , 2002 , Jane Austen, Claudia L. Johnson
Bleak House: An Authoritative and Annotated Text, Illustrations, a Note on the Text, Genesis and Composition, Backgrounds, Criticism
ISBN 9780393093322 , 1977 , Charles Dickens
Northanger Abbey: Backgrounds, Criticism
ISBN 9780393978506 , 2004 , Jane Austen
Macbeth: An Authoritative Text, Sources and Contexts, Criticism
ISBN 9780393977868 , 2004 , William Shakespeare, Robert S. Miola