Søk: 'The Roman Historians'
The Roman Historians
ISBN 9780415117746 , 1998 , Ronald Mellor
The Cambridge Companion to the Roman Historians
ISBN 9780521670937 , 2009 , Andrew Feldherr
The Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire: ...
ISBN 9780905205151 , 2007 , R.C. Blockley
The Critical Historians of Art
ISBN 9780300032239 , 1984 , Michael Podro
Common reading: critics, historians, publics
ISBN 9780199296781 , 2008 , Stefan Collini
Historians on History: An Anthology
ISBN 9780582357952 , 2000 , John Tosh
Yugoslavia and Its Historians: Understanding the Balkan Wars of the 1990s
ISBN 9780804745949 , 2003
The Roman Forum
ISBN 9781861978059 , 2011 , David Watkin
Empirical Futures: Anthropologists and Historians Engage the Work of Sidney W. Mintz
ISBN 9780807833452 , 2009 , George Baca, Aisha Khan, Stephan Palmié
Empirical Futures: Anthropologists and Historians Engage the Work of Sidney W. Mintz
ISBN 9780807859889 , 2009 , George Baca, Aisha Khan, Stephan Palmié
Biographical Dictionary of Latin American Historians and Historiography
ISBN 9780313230042 , 1984 , Jack Ray Thomas
The Roman Empire
ISBN 9783822817766 , 2004 , Henri Stierlin
Roman Catholicism: The Basics
ISBN 9780415263818 , 2005 , Michael Walsh
Religion in the Roman Empire
ISBN 9781405106566 , 2006 , James B. Rives
The Roman Empire
ISBN 9780006862529 , 1992 , Colln Wells
Roman Art
ISBN 9780205988952 , 2013 , Nancy H. Ramage, Andrew Ramage
A Companion to the Roman Empire
ISBN 9781405199186 , 2009 , David S. Potter
Roman Empire: From the Etruscans to the Decline of the Roman Empire
ISBN 9783822817810 , 2004 , Henri Stierlin, Anne Stierlin
Roman Empire: From the Etruscans to the Decline of the Roman Empire
ISBN 9783822817827 , 2004 , Henri Stierlin
Roman Art
ISBN 9781606061015 , 2011 , Paul Zanker
Orkanger: roman
ISBN 9788203352621 , 2012 , Johan Mjønes
Roman 1987: roman
ISBN 9788249504398 , 2006 , Dag Solstad
Imperium: roman
ISBN 9788293237044 , 2013 , Sverre Dahl, Christian Kracht, August Engelhardt
Syngja; roman
ISBN 9788249511396 , 2013
Kinamann: roman
ISBN 9788202388195 , 2012 , Brynjulf Jung Tjønn
Fugletribunalet: roman
ISBN 9788252185874 , 2014 , Agnes Ravatn
The Constitution of the Roman Republic
ISBN 9780199261086 , 2003 , Andrew Lintott
Hodejegerne: roman
ISBN 9788203193910 , 2008 , Jo Nesbø
The Constitution of the Roman Republic
ISBN 9780198150688 , 1999 , Andrew William Lintott
Mofongo: roman
ISBN 9788282051743 , 2011 , Kirsti Øvergaard, Cecilia Samartin