Søk: 'The Sociolinguistics of Globalization'
The Sociolinguistics of Globalization
ISBN 9780521710237 , 2010 , Jan Blommaert
Sociolinguistics: The Study of Speakers' Choices
ISBN 9781107675568 , 2013 , Florian Coulmas
The Sociolinguistics of Narrative
ISBN 9789027226464 , 2005 , Joanna Thornborrow, Jennifer Coates
The Handbook of Sociolinguistics
ISBN 9780631211938 , 1998 , Florian Coulmas
The Sage Handbook of Sociolinguistics
ISBN 9781847870957 , 2010 , Barbara Johnstone, Ruth Wodak, Paul E. Kerswill
ISBN 9780521543934 , 2005 , Florian Coulmas
Sociolinguistics: The Study of Speakers' Choices
ISBN 9780521836067 , 2005 , Florian Coulmas
Introducing Sociolinguistics
ISBN 9780415550062 , 2011 , Miriam Meyerhoff
Introducing Sociolinguistics
ISBN 9780748638444 , 2009 , Joan Swann, Rajend Mesthrie, William L. Leap,m.fl.
A Dictionary of Sociolinguistics
ISBN 9780748616916 , 2004 , Joan Swann, Rajend Mesthrie, Andrea Deumert,m.fl.
A Glossary Of Sociolinguistics
ISBN 9780748616237 , 2003 , Peter Trudgill
A Dictionary of Sociolinguistics
ISBN 9780748616909 , 2004 , Joan Swann, Rajend Mesthrie, Andrea Deumert,m.fl.
Introducing Sociolinguistics
ISBN 9780415399487 , 2006 , Miriam Meyerhoff
Introducing sociolinguistics
ISBN 9780415399470 , 2006 , Miriam Meyerhoff
The Globalization of News
ISBN 9780761953869 , 1998
The Globalization of News
ISBN 9780761953876 , 1998
Geographies of Globalization
ISBN 9780415567626 , 2013 , Warwick E. Murray
The Myth of Media Globalization
ISBN 9780745639086 , 2007 , Kai Hafez, Alex Skinner
Introducing sociolinguistics
ISBN 9780748607730 , 2000 , Joan Swann, Rajend Mesthrie, Anna Deumert,m.fl.
The Myth of Media Globalization
ISBN 9780745639093 , 2007 , Kai Hafez, Alex Skinner
The Globalization Reader
ISBN 9780470655634 , 2011 , Frank J. Lechner, John Boli
An Introduction to Sociolinguistics
ISBN 9781405821315 , 2008 , Janet Holmes
The Anthropology of Globalization: A Reader
ISBN 9781405136129 , 2007 , 2. utgave , Renato Rosaldo, Jonathan Xavier Inda
The Routledge International Handbook of Globalization Studies
ISBN 9780415686082 , 2011
Geographies of Globalization
ISBN 9780415318006 , 2005 , Warwick E. Murray
Geographies of Globalization
ISBN 9780203595831 , 2005 , Warwick E. Murray
Globalization/Anti-Globalization: Beyond the Great Divide
ISBN 9780745639116 , 2007 , David Held, Anthony G. McGrew
An Introduction to Sociolinguistics: Fourth Edition
ISBN 9781408276747 , 2013 , 4. utgave , Janet Holmes
Globalization: The Making of World Society
ISBN 9781405169059 , 2009 , Frank J. Lechner
The globalization reader
ISBN 9781405155533 , 2008 , Frank J. Lechner, John Boli