Søk: 'The acoustic analysis of speech'
The acoustic analysis of speech
ISBN 9780769301129 , 2002 , Raymond D. Kent, Charles Read
The Power of Speech
ISBN 9788776758301 , 2010 , Jonas Gabrielsen
Freedom of Speech: The History of an Idea
ISBN 9781611483857 , 2011 , Elizabeth Powers
Acoustic and Auditory Phonetics
ISBN 9781405194662 , 2011 , Keith Johnson
Elements of Acoustic Phonetics 2e
ISBN 9780226467634 , 1995 , 2. utgave , Peter Ladefoged
The acoustics of speech communication: fundamentals, speech perception theory, and technology
ISBN 9780205198870 , 1998 , J.M. Pickett
Acoustic and Auditory Phonetics
ISBN 9781405101233 , 2003 , Keith Johnson
Excitable Speech: A Politics of the Performative
ISBN 9780415915885 , 1997 , Judith P. Butler
Acoustic and Auditory Phonetics
ISBN 9781405101226 , 2003 , Keith Johnson
Acoustic Guitar Slide Basics
ISBN 9781423445784 , 2001 , David Hamburger
Poiesis: The Language of Psychology and the Speech of the Soul
ISBN 9781853024887 , 1997 , Stephen K. Levine
A Practical Handbook of Speech Coders
ISBN 9780849385254 , 2010 , Randy Goldberg, Lance Riek
Acoustic remote sensing applications
ISBN 9783540616122 , 1997 , S. P. Singal
Acoustic Remote Sensing Applications
ISBN 9788173191107 , 1996 , S. P. Singal
Neurology for the Speech-Language Pathologist
ISBN 9780750675260 , 2007 , Wanda G. Webb, Richard Kenneth Adler
The Analysis of Biological Data
ISBN 9780981519401 , 2008 , Michael Whitlock, Dolph Schluter
Handbook of Acoustic Accessibility: Best Practices for Listening, Learning, and Literacy in the Classroom
ISBN 9781604067651 , 2012 , Carol Ann Flexer, Joseph J. Smaldino
Small Message, Big Impact: The Elevator Speech Effect
ISBN 9781591845485 , 2012
Basic Speech Communication
ISBN 9780761803607 , 1996 , Elin Jeri Schikler, Linda Tamesian Kalfayan
The Evolution of Group Analysis
ISBN 9781853029257 , 2000 , Malcolm Pines
Foundations of Analysis
ISBN 9780486462967 , 2008 , David French Belding, Kevin J. Mitchell
Speech and Language Processing: An Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, and Speech Recognition
ISBN 9780135041963 , 2008 , Dan Jurafsky, James H. Martin
Search for the Origins of Human Speech, A: Auditory and vocal functions of the chimpanzee
ISBN 9784876984558 , 2003 , Shozo Kojima
A search for the origins of human speech: auditory and vocal functions of the chimpanzee
ISBN 9781876843472 , 2003 , Shozo Kojima
Acoustic fields and waves in solids
ISBN 9780898747836 , 1990 , Bertram Alexander Auld
Differential Diagnosis and Treatment of Children with Speech Disorder
ISBN 9781861564825 , 2005 , Barbara J. Dodd
Introduction to Digital Speech Processing
ISBN 9781601980700 , 2007 , Lawrence R. Rabiner, Ronald W. Schafer
Explicit Performatives: Tracing Back Performativity to the Normative Dimension of Constative Speech
ISBN 9783828898158 , 2008 , Andreas Runkel
Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola: The Very Elegant Speech on the Dignity of Man 1940
ISBN 9781417977499 , 2004 , Charles Glenn Wallis
Critical Discourse Analysis: The Critical Study of Language
ISBN 9781405858229 , 2010 , Norman Fairclough